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Everything posted by alpha54

  1. Mate, those photos are amazing! What sorta lighting set-up did you use?
  2. Also, any idea when it will be finished? Because I was originally gonna get a Multicam plate carrier about a month from now but I think I'd much rather have this!
  3. Aww cmon man, the HK416 looks bloody nice!
  4. No problem mate, they're very nice mags!
  5. 1) Just installed the Magpul Enhanced Trigger Guard on mine, its great! 2) There's an airsoft version of the MIAD?! Reply appreciated!
  6. Yes, but it looks the part better! I dunno, I like the mags with the white trades - to be honest, it doesn't really matter to me if the trades are white or engraved, as long as they're there!
  7. Alright, just got my new G&P M4 QD KAC silencer, so here's my HK416 in three different configurations! Sniper configuration with VFC HK magazine Woodland configuration CQB Configuration
  8. Sure thing mate, was about to post up some pics of my HK416 anyways! Sniper configuration with VFC HK magazine Woodland configuration CQB Configuration
  9. That is mind-blowing, bloody nice gun mate! List of parts please?
  10. I've got the Systema one installed, but I have no idea if the shop modded the selector plate or not. What would I need to mod, or look at to see if they've modded it?
  11. No problem mate - and nice UMP!
  12. Neither did mine, but something you just need to "follow your instincts!" Cheers! www.uncompany.com The trades look great!
  13. I hope not, because I ordered my gun with the Systema assembly pre-installed, I had no idea I would need a new selector plate! Now I'm getting scared my gun's gonna fry on me the first time I skirmish it...
  14. Its not just you mate, I'm seeing it too.... odd!
  15. Yeah, I got the stock kit. I know for a fact that it won't fully collapse when using a 10.8v battery, but I'm not sure which mAh you can go up to at 9.6v... Either way, its a great stock! To be honest, I love the Mag HK midcaps. They are ABS plastic, but they feel very solid and not at all very "plasticky" - I have no qualms about dropping them. Performance-wise, they seem excellent. I haven't gotten a single misfeed, and they feed right up to the last two BBs or so - I can highly recommend them! EDIT: How do you like that 10 inch version of the HK416 btw? I got the 14.5 inch becau
  16. Yeah, my battery is in the crane stock - can't stand the look of the PEQ! Its a 9.6v 2200mAh and I can still fully collapse the stock, as long as I make sure the wires are properly tucked away when I put in the battery - I'm not sure if it will still collapse if I put anything bigger in it. But yeah, gotta agree with you on the balance - the gun feels great now!
  17. My new VFC HK416 with G&P battery stock, G&P red dot and upgraded internals (above forum limits)!
  18. Always liked H&K, so here's my new loadout! USPc with SD slide kit and upgrades internals, HK416 with G&P battery stock, G&P red dot and upgraded internals.
  19. Bloody nice pics as always mate, your operations look well sweet!
  20. That sounds good, any idea on what sort of paint I should use? And PenGun, I can't really tell from the picture you posted, but are your proof marks white and your serial number gold?
  21. Yeah, I believe G&G sells metal threaded outer barrels separately, but they appear to be out of stock on most websites...
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