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About AirRage

  • Rank
    Adv Member

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United States
  1. I think you mean you joined the Buy a expensive toy and sink more money into it cuz it has half azz parts. LOL, thats what it sounds like. Which i mean that you put on some good equipment on it which cost you a good buck but knowing that the internals are gonna break in no time speading more money on that from other companys unless you already did that. Just reminds me when people buying a Delorean when the company when out of business. I dont see the point in it. Wait for version 2 or another company making a better or more reliable one.
  2. I did exactly what this tutorial says and it has been working flawlessly for long while now.
  3. well by that time VFC will be doing STAR WARS guns. Storm Troopers guns with lasers!
  4. My HK416 with 9.6v 3300mah battery in stock and Aimpoint with high mount. I know its kinda plain right now but will add more over winter.
  5. Double request! Found a pic of real steel but here is a decent one.
  6. Whats size battery you have in that stock? 12v-10.8v or 9.6v? Was wondering if you got the combo stock and Intellect batteries.
  7. LOL, it does look like something else dont it? 0-> <-0
  8. I love that pistol. Would look nice next to my HK 416. Nice pics by the way!
  9. I used the Star Crane stock on the stock buffer tube and fit absolutely perfect! Nice and snug, no wobble and moves smoothly from notch to notch. Only thing my battery is too big to fit down stock buffer tube but thats fine by me since i like it fully retracted and nice big fat 9.6v 3300 Mah battery in it.
  10. Funny that you ask that but i emailed them saying whats the deal with the Swich assembly. Should i get a new one or leave as it does have problems. No reply whatesoever from them.
  11. Updated Pic with Gaurder High Mount!
  12. I'll have a pic in about a week but this is the one i got. Guarder 30/25mm Quick Release Red Dot Scope Mount Seemed a bit taller then the G&P one. Its perfect!
  13. Is that the Wilcox mount? I just got the quarder mount for $18 shipped and it seems to be the same hight. I think Wilcox mounts are like $60 right? or more for shipping.
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