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Everything posted by Drayvn

  1. We've all died at one point in our lives. I was in a motorcycle accident A friend had to be brought back 3 times after a car accident 3rd friend had a heart attack on tour in Iraq Quite a small world, since we were all really good friends for years before all this happened! So instead of just coming up with cool name and logo, it actually means something to all of us.
  2. Dont see many classic PMC Styles, so here's one
  3. Heres our Team Logo. Very small group of only 3, quite hard to get into, theres only 1 requirement, and it's much harder than you think to do, and you don't want to do it on purpose either.
  4. Now this HAS to be everybodies dream car! Bowler Nemesis
  5. Drayvn

    Movie Guns

    Sorry to correct you, it was the "Morita" rifle.
  6. There are seperate ones. They do great because its strengthens the gun down the bore line and helps to be able to add stufff to it. You could even say that you would get more accuracy because of the Nitro Rail as its centres the gun so its straight and could stop the bending of the barrel. I have been searching for the last couple of months i dont think i can find any MC51 Nitro Rails unfortunately.
  7. Not really, the NitroVo Sleeve Rail gives it all the strength it needs. I might consider it when and if it breaks but other than that its accurate out to around 60 to 70 metres
  8. Simple yet effective NitroVo. MC Rail Sleeve Port hole Flash Hider NitroVo. RIS Foregrip TM vertical foregrip Classic Army Stock Simmons Whitetail Classic 1.5-5 magnification Systema Polymide Piston HurricanE Piston Head Metal Bushings HurricanE Spring Guide No Hole Upgraded Cylinder and Cylinder Head Systema Hop Bucking Systema Hi Speed Motor Low Resistance Wiring Not much to her but again she works like a dream!
  9. Heres a shot of my work in progress weapon of choice for CQB work. The rest i need to do is to fit a real steel AR CQB skeleton stock and im still waiting on my Red Dot ACOG sight also, once all of that is done it will look much better. Here you go, the pic of my fav CQB weapon
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