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Marshmallow Monster

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About Marshmallow Monster

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 11/07/1990

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  • Country
    United States

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  1. dave: nice. What pistol is that in the bottom left corner? I can't identify it.
  2. don't put anymore paint on there! It looks good.
  3. I can't unedit Ah well, I just said, "if your serious....I bid $3 " I've been missreading stuff all day lol
  4. Doesn't look much longer than my CA M16. What brand is that? It looks awesome! And man, you have good quality pics lol.
  5. whoops, never mind, I guess you meant you already sold it. hehe, it's early
  6. I have a picture request Could I see a pic of an M16/M4 (preferably M16, but M4 will do) with an uber-cap mag in it? (meaning, drum mag/c-mag/box mag) I want to see what the different kind of mags look with the Armalites, so I can make my descision I already know what that "B mag" or whatever looks like (the one that is on the gun above, way above) so any others would be great.
  7. the FAMAS rail and the MP5 stock were photoshopped, but the guy who made it originally says he actually plans on making that gun
  8. Thanks man, appreciate it
  9. how long is the silencer on those guns? I need an idea on how short to buy (I don't like how long those are I need shorter lol)
  10. Man, I'm jealous. You guys have these nice stores to go to, with a lot of guns and stuff. All I have is Airsoft Knoxville, which is 2 hours away, is 99.9% armalite and MP5's, and is small. But, it's a store.
  11. I hate you... nice gun man
  12. Get some sleep dude......just get some sleep. But, you said the Tar-21 was cool, so But seriously, this is a "Guns you WISH they made into airsoft" <not exact title but thats what it's for. We know that 99.9% of these will never happen, but we can dream, can't we? So stop posting, or....
  13. is that a cheeck rest or a meat hook?
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