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About Isamu

  • Rank
    Gun helpdesk

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  • Airsofter since
    I needed an expensive vice
  • Country
    Nothing Selected

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  1. Isamu

    Custom Gear

    Thanks man! that backpack looks TERRIFIC! will contact them for my next project =D
  2. Isamu

    Custom Gear

    I have been following them for some time in facebook and their work looks pretty good, what are your experiences with them quality/price wise? =)
  3. Please, don't forget to leave some impressions about the "new" guns, I'm pretty interested in them after seing the price tag 😃
  4. Isamu


    Apologies for the blatant nechro, but didn't find a place to post this My SVDs, now a bit shorter and with some rails. I expected the modifications to be a bit more difficult, but ended being quite easy 😃
  5. Complete a gun? since when an airsofter "completes a gun"?, that only happens for the first five minutes and then you start looking for more stuff to sink your money, believe me, I'm there Anyhow, the gun is stupidly cool, man!
  6. good to know, thanks,man! tell us how bright it is when you field it on a sunny day =) I'm a big fan of the MRO clones myself
  7. silly question, is that a real FC1 or an acm clone?
  8. It will depend on which one is cloned first, this, or the GBLS DAS XD
  9. I'm sorry to hear that, man, which motor did you get? the high torque or the super high torque? I believe there are two versions of them, did you use a 11.1v lipo? This guy makes a nice comparison between motors
  10. "It's comfier", in short, and I agree BTW,the new cloth and mesh masks are pretty good and won't interfere with "low" mounted optics. At least for me =)
  11. Are those slim AR handguards? real or from an airsoft brand? =D
  12. So it's like a flat hop with an extra patch, AEG barrel and bucking are used the. Good choice. I'm really curious to see who will come on top for the "realistic premium AEG" market, AAF or GBLS, both are very appealing in their own terms. Even so, Hypnosis, please do not refrain from making videos of the gun and "in game opinions" ; )
  13. +1 to that video =) would love to know hop up compatibility details, like, if the chamber is propietary or what kind of nubs/barrel/buckings it takes =D
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