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Removing a ring from the a&k m249


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I tried to spy out some better pictures of the Ranger grip but couldn't really find a super good one. It seems the grip mounts off to the side so you keep the bipod. Others I've seen loose the bipod and bolt into the space that comes open.


I wouldn't chop the pintle mount out of mine either, someday I might find a tripod!

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lol an M203 on an A&K 249...owww you must work out a lot at the gym :) But yeah like Infected said, go for the mini launcher, they're great.



This is what you want, the "sp3cial snip3rz sup3r l33t":


(don't worry we put it back to normal) :P

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Well, ok that is awesome! I think I'm gonna put one of those cheap elcan scopes on it too.

But overdoing things is a part of my nature, and a grenade launcher on a support weapon seems kinda awesome to me ;)


Could someone give me a link to a proper riser mount? Also, how long is the long version of the m203?

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