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An idea I've had


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Well this idea has been a-brewing for some time now ... Me and a few of my friends decided to spice up our airsoft games a little bit.


The gen ...


Scenario: An all-night infantry operation taking place over a couple of square km at fire-team level. Approximately four players per side.

Objective: Destroy enemy's vital assets (a "communications array", "food and water point" and "arms dump" - represented by flags, that once knocked over, represent destroyed assets.)


  • Once hit, you must lie down and play dead for two minutes before retreating to spawn. This will likely take you out of action for several minutes, as the opposing spawn points are three hundred metres apart, so a botched attack on the enemy base means bye bye for a long time!
  • All actions are to stay tactical once the game begins - drinking, eating, resting etc take place under "battle conditions" so there is no set break for admin. Best get them sentries deployed if you want to take a ######!
  • Game lasts for six hours from last light to first light (approximately 2200 hrs to 0400 hrs).
  • Regens are unlimited until 0330hrs - last life.
  • Although we play on privately owned land, there is a civilian population nearby - so no using devices that make loud bangs, in order to avoid civil disturbances, so no pyro etc. Rifles and pistols only.
  • If mounting an ambush at particularly close range (<10m), use the "bang-kill" - we use high-powered weapons all at approximately 350fps.
  • Assets are non-recoverable once destroyed. The flag that represents an asset need only be knocked over to be "destroyed".
  • Once all three assets are destroyed your team is defeated.

We were going for a slightly more milsim version of our usual games which are usually objective based anyway, but this one is quite big for us.

Playing at night allows for better concealment and more general sneakiness. The terrain we play on is a mix of tree lines, tracks, outbuildings and thick cover, which makes for quite a mixed strategy on both sides.


I suspect similar games have been played before, but I just fancied sharing this one with you guys :)

Feel free to add any additional ideas or rules!

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Dont mean to sound like a *rickroll*


Too late...



Seems like a pretty decent milsim game, just make sure everyone has a mobile phone on them and a radio too if they have one, it'd be easy to get lost, or hurt yourself while walking back to respawn and not get found for a while. As you say there are other people nearby, it'd be an idea to alert the police as to what you plan to do. People are probably a little on edge with the shootings recently. And make sure everyone has their own torch/nightvision.

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Yeah everyone will have torches. We've got some comms via radio, and yeah we'll get everyone to take their phones out with them too.

Also, I'm thinking of getting some cyalumes to mark boundaries, RV points, gates etc to try and reduce the risk of getting lost. We're all pretty familiar with the ground as it is too, so hopefully there isn't too much of an issue there.

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Was literally going to suggest what Big D said but instead of torch lights I have seen red lit torches that the player just points up / ahead of them to show dead man walking.


Also 4 / 5 a side sounds a little small for the size of the area maybe two fires teams of up to 10 players?

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Sounds like a good idea... Apart from two things (IMHO)


Laying down and playing dead for two minutes is all well and good when it's daytime, and people can see where the "dead" players are, but that's not going to be possible at night, and players aren't going to want to have to shine a torch in front of them constantly whilst they are moving to check for "dead" players on the ground as it would give away their position to the enemy...


Next is the distance to the respawn point (a 600m round trip is absolutely huge) and a two minute "dead time" in the field, players are going to be out for so long between deaths that if one team starts getting picked off piecemeal it will never recover due to players tramping back and forth to the respawn points, which would lead to a very unbalanced game...


If it were me planning this, i'd remove the laying down dead bit, and shorten the distance to the respawn point... People don't want to spend the majority of a game sat in a dead zone or travelling to and from one...

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If it were me planning this, i'd remove the laying down dead bit, and shorten the distance to the respawn point... People don't want to spend the majority of a game sat in a dead zone or travelling to and from one...


Good point, plus, how are the opposing team supposed to be able to tell the difference between a dead player and one who is simply lying on the ground so as not to be seen?

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For night games usually a red glow stick substitutes in nicely for a dead rag.


Sounds like a cool game but I'll agree you may not have enough players. Would be terrific with 2-3 fireteams on each side... but with just one, your options are very limited.

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- Rather than both attack and defence at the same time, we could have one team attacking with the other defending. Attacking safezone can be 100m away from objective area. (Having recce'd the site it's feasible to do so for both objective areas; there are spots that make for good FRVs which could double up as spawn points.) This would improve the balance of gameplay.

- Red glow stick for dead rag: good idea! Didn't think of that, spot on, might just do that.

- Finding enough people and guns is problematic - the main problem being that we've only got six AEGs (1x M16, MP5, M4, M249, P90 and AUG) and a few pistols between us. Trying to recruit other people for the game too. However, with a (now) smaller gaming area, this shouldn't be as much of an issue.


The teams will be defending objective areas that are only about 50 square metres, therefore there is plenty of scope for a cohesive defence with three players. Also there are various ground obstacles such as tree lines, deep ditches and thick vegetation, which limit access to these areas. Limited access routes with thick cover offer plenty of scope for ambushes and will force the attacking team to think hard about how they will conduct their assault. The emphasis of the game will be very much on good fieldcraft and stealth to get within effective range undetected, and surprise followed by speed in the assault.


So I think the limited numbers actually add value to the game as it forces all players to think tactically and not just charge in to go and get some action - the opportunity may present itself to go sneaky and infiltrate the base, destroy the assets and sneak out. Conversely, they may choose to go for a deliberate attack and go loud, destroying the enemy team and blowing up the assets, and then execute a fighting withdrawal to the safezone. It's all about the ground.

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Going to do it on a night with a (near) full moon?


Played a night game once. Had about 60 players? Noone could turn on their torch else everyone in sight would open up on them. Not to sound stupid but is DARK at night. I think you need a bit of moon light else you honestly cannot see enough to get around.


Either that or a few/all with NV might improve things...

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None of us in our group have got or can afford NVGs. We all have torches, and with the current weather conditions, once our night vision adapts, we're going to be fine with visibility. The vis at the moment is excellent.



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