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Supressor Effecting BB Flight Path

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Hop up will not cause the BB to curve up inside the suppressor.


If it's mounted straight and there's enough clearance, it shouldn't decrease accuracy. On real guns they typically shift the point of impact a little, but do no decrease accuracy.



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I find that my tm tracer unit affects my overall range on my m15.


My friends think I am just paranoid, but when shooting at an object at maximum range the hop just seems less effective when the tracer unit is on, has anyone else noticed this, or am I just imagining this...?

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It kind of depends on the silencer.

Some are totally hollow, so as long as they're on straight, the BB doesn't know they are there.


Others, with foam or baffles or some combination of both, get a lot closer to the BB, meaning that they could potentially contact it, or influence its flight path a bit. These types of silencers need to very straight in order to avoid messing with the BB


Some silencers, like the KSC MK23 silencer, have their own inner barrel. It is a pretty large ID, probably closer to 7mm than 6, but it very often will touch the BB as it passes through. The idea is to convey most of the benfit of a longer inner barrel; a bit more accuracy and velocity, but retain the ability to remove the silencer and have a normal looking gun. If this type of silencer goes on a little crooked, accuracy goes out the window, becuase the BB enters the second barrel at an angle. I know, I'm always tweaking my MK23 silencer.


It's pretty easy for silencers to effect accuracy. I've noticed that the typical airsoft silencer doesn't always thread on particually well, leading to the tiniest amount of silencer-BB interference. A little teflon tape on the threads on can help, I've found.


The tracer unit has the same issue...it is reasonably close to the BB as it travels. Your hop shouldn't be effected unless somehow the BB is hitting the tracer. Depending on the gun it's mounted on, the tracer unit can need a stack of adaptors, which introduce lots of potential wiggle room. If it is on there really straight, it shouldn't effect the hop, at least not very much.

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Some silencers, like the KSC MK23 silencer, have their own inner barrel. It is a pretty large ID, probably closer to 7mm than 6, but it very often will touch the BB as it passes through. The idea is to convey most of the benfit of a longer inner barrel; a bit more accuracy and velocity, but retain the ability to remove the silencer and have a normal looking gun. If this type of silencer goes on a little crooked, accuracy goes out the window, becuase the BB enters the second barrel at an angle. I know, I'm always tweaking my MK23 silencer.



that would explain it, mine's the TM SOCOM, it's just a standard foam filled job, insanely quiet though.



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