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Boyi SCAR-L in the works!


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ya know, i wouldn't consider buying a CA SCAR, because it's the wrong generation mainly (and because the receiver has big with classic army trademarks), but damnit, if this comes in at around a 100USD or less (and no white BOYI trademarks) i think i might get one...

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Transparent parts are probably nylon I'm guessing. DBOY likes to use nylon instead of ABS.


Why are people calling this "Boyi"... is it not DBOY? Boyi was the lpeg name for dboy before they moved onto better things.

how about we call them Kalash from now on? they can escape their sh!tty heriatage now :D




Anyway, i'm very pleased with this new scar. it is undoubtably going to slaughter the JLS, and probably at a lower price too!


Aod :wub: FN S.C.A.R.

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ALrighty then... a "kalash SCAR".... cause we all know Mikhail Kalashikov designed the SCAR... :rofl::P


Now I don't know what to get.. the AK or this... SCAR has a cool factor to it but if its a CA-copy then it won't be able disassemble like the real thing.

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Transparent parts are probably nylon I'm guessing. DBOY likes to use nylon instead of ABS.


Why are people calling this "Boyi"... is it not DBOY? Boyi was the lpeg name for dboy before they moved onto better things.


Mate, Boyi is the factory name, Kalash is brand name for their AK series and DBOYS is brand name for their accessories not for the guns many places seem to like that boys name so they write that up. hope that clafiried it to you :)

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That post is 6 months old (exactly)... stop posting in this thread. We have 2 other newer threads... :rolleyes:


I just thought that maybe you didnt know :rolleyes: And why is that you tell ME to stop posting in this thread while i see other people posting here...doesnt that apply to everyone in this thread and should it be closed then if no posting allowed...? or is it just me that is the culprit :rolleyes:

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I meant to everyone. But to you specifically, stop looking for trouble after the whole RSOV problem. I think you've caused enough confusion to lay low a while and not to go around trying to make yourself look like a victim all this time.

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