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Upgrading TM Desert Eagle


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everybody who ever had a zeke kit said it was a massive pain in the *albartroth* to install. rubbish fit, mis-shaped and needed a lot of work to get it going. added to the act it costs a bomb, and i wouldnt bother.


i had 2 upgraded tm DE's. i upgraded the inner barrel, hammer spring, recoil spring and mag valves in both guns. tbh, it didnt even need doing, they shoot aswell as any pistol as they are. from my experience, unless you either :


have money to burn

really, really, really want to or

use your DE as a primary


i wouldnt bother. you dont get much extra performnace. mine went form shooting on propane at about 300-320 stock on a nice hot day, to nearly 340 after upgrades. i wouldnt bother though. the upgrades DID cause one slight problem - the loading nozzle in one of them broke, though the gun still functioned fine, and theres a guarder replacement part.

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Well having looked at all these upgrades, I only have one question: What will the FPS be once upgraded, with just the internal upgrades. I was hoping for around 350.


Do they make the zeke metal kit in chrome? I they did I would think about buying one after doing more research. I know screaming weasel said they are not very good but I like metal ^_^.


Does anyone know a retailer in the US that I can send my gun to and get it upgraded?


PS Have you seen the Lean Desert Eagle Hard kick? OMG it's beautiful! Where can I buy a barrel extension in chrome for mine?!?!!

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Well having looked at all these upgrades, I only have one question: What will the FPS be once upgraded, with just the internal upgrades. I was hoping for around 350.


You can't say "It'll do 350", it depends on the temp and gas used (even if we assume you mean with .2g BBs). 350fps at around 80F is possible... My SIIS 10" does around that.


Do they make the zeke metal kit in chrome? I they did I would think about buying one after doing more research. I know screaming weasel said they are not very good but I like metal ^_^.


They do/did.


PS Have you seen the Lean Desert Eagle Hard kick? OMG it's beautiful! Where can I buy a barrel extension in chrome for mine?!?!!


You can't... and, unless some enterprising aftermarketer comes out with one, I don't suppose TM will sell you one either as the 10" is supposed to be limited edition.



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I built a DE once. PDI 6.01, KM Hi Flow, Guarder Loading nozzle, shot over 350 easily, all day long at 70 degrees. Powerwise they shoot great stock, I just hate the trigger feel, and the "sluggish" return on the slide. KM Internals and correct springs (130% for me) cured all of that. I like DEs, and will be getting a Leon for the hell of it.

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Stock TM DE (hardkick new) will do a measured (I did the chronoing) of 350fps on ET1000 at a temp of 24C? (I am looking for the xls file that I made that had a list of the different fps of different items at that time...)

One of the few gbbs that is a serious serious primary. Just a huge grip.


Dude.. just leave it stock. :)


edit- I have just found the xls file.

On 23/05/04 at 17deg, the TM DE was measured with an average of 342.5 and a high of 350. This particular model had a different o-ring in the system to improve gas performance.

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I just got the HFC version this past weekend and have to say that the power, range and accuracy are just fine. Now if a HFC Clone is that good, the TM has to be (possibly) better.


Other than maybe putting in a new barrel (although I'm staying totally stock with mine), I wouldnt do anything at all. Anything over 290 in a handgun should be getting the job done for you, especially as so many stock AEG's are at the 300-350 mark.


The most important aspect of a handgun is it's accuracy, I use a CYMA CM.030 all the time and it shoots approx 220 FPS. However, it's accuracy and range are excellent and I've made more than my fair share if hits with it.

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