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About Shark Hopup Bucking


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I got an email from Knock Knock Productions, Matthew Pimentel.


Everyone here was very interested in getting their hands on those hop-up

buckings! I know we have tried them out in 2 guns, both with positive

results. We found they worked best with a "perfect" style of BB. Namely, KSC

.25 Perfects. BBs that didn't have a smooth finish seemed to have a greater

deviation in flight pattern. In one instance, it raised the FPS from 445 to

475 (30 FPS!) which is beyond our field limit of 450, CRAZY!. In another,

from about 320 to 345. Inconsistant in velocity increase yes, but positive

in both circumstances. We also sprayed the barrels thoroughly with silicone

and fired through them. That combination seemed to do the trick.


Hope the rest of you can get the same results.

Honestly speaking, the orginal idea of this bucking is to prevent double feeding of 470 gearbox. However, we also found out it will raise the velocity in the same time. (Not 100%)


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I used mine in a CA M15A4 CQB upgraded with an M120 spring this Sunday. I did not get a raise in FPS, and I found that the CQB did not feed reliably on full auto with this hop up. It fed perfectly on semi-auto, which my CQB has never done before, and I suspect the problem could be that I use a 10.8V battery which gives the gun a ridiculous rate of fire. After it settled down from the silicone lube, the hop effect seemed consistent with slightly tighter groupings, but it was hard to tell due to high winds. I'm hoping to play around with this more, though it is hard to do much testing living in an apartment. Hopefully the full-auto feeding will work itself out.

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I found that the CQB did not feed reliably on full auto with this hop up. It fed perfectly on semi-auto, which my CQB has never done before, and I suspect the problem could be that I use a 10.8V battery which gives the gun a ridiculous rate of fire.

With a high rate of fire, you need to plug a couple of holes in the piston head (if yours is a one way model) to create negative pressure in the cylinder. This helps feeding in super fast AEGs.


The fact that your gun was feeding fine in Semi tells that the hop up was working properly.



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Installed mine in a CA SLR with a M110 Prometheus spring.


After 500 rounds the weapon became more and more precise due to the fact the lube inside the barrel and on the hopup starts to vanish. Range and accuracy were very fine from this point on. Still have loss of 5 fps but that doesn´t matter. I´m more interested in accuracy and range.

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well i dont normally work on my own stuff, i've changed a bucking but that was a long time ago. I know i just slide it on in place of the old one but I dont know what to do with that little plastic piece thats in the bag. It looks just like the piece in that diagram that madbull put up in this thread.


Well, yeah, and you place it like that too, instead of the small rubber tube normally used.

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Is that not a tad harsh?


Honestly I don't think it was harsh and neither was it meant to be. A bucking swap is a pretty basic procedure and if you are not comfortable doing it then you are probably better off letting someone else do the work on the gun. The bucking itself is easy to swap but it is also easy to mess up something else in the gun while taking it down or putting it back together. In my opinion it isn't worth taking a chance at breaking a $300 gun to install a $10 part.

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yea im not worried about it


as far as taht part it goes on top of the bucking like that and not inside correct?


Yeah thats right mate, the bucking itself sits over the barrel, and where the bucking covers the square hole is where the little rubber tube needs to sit.



Boziboard - you're bang out of order mate. :angry:


Anyone can critisize other people, it dosnt make you big or clever. Instead of wasting your time and energy critiszing, why didn't you just help bullet_magnet out? Oh, and for your information, replacing a $10 bucking will NOT cause irrepairable damage to a $300 gun as long as your carefull

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Yeah thats right mate, the bucking itself sits over the barrel, and where the bucking covers the square hole is where the little rubber tube needs to sit.

Boziboard - you're bang out of order mate.  :angry:


Anyone can critisize other people, it dosnt make you big or clever. Instead of wasting your time and energy critiszing, why didn't you just help bullet_magnet out? Oh, and for your information, replacing a $10 bucking will NOT cause irrepairable damage to a $300 gun as long as your carefull


Out of order? Where did I critize anyone? I mentioned that a bucking swap is a basic procedure, and it is. If you are not comfortable doing a basic procedure then it may be in your best interests to have someone else do the work...that is actually good advice for anything. No you probably wont mess anything up with just the bucking itself. You could break a hop-up unit though...$30...maybe the barrel $30-$50...how about some tabs on the body of a gun? Saying that a person may be in over their head is not a critisism it is a legitimate statement... It isn't me who is taking themselves WAY too seriously. Maybe you should read the first post, as well as the follow up before you decide to critize me. BTW thank for taking this thread way off track.

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Seconded about the P90 fitting, I belive its the P90 hop up being a tight fit so!


Fitted into my Famas instead and is working well. Havn't got a chrono but it seems to be floating less, and the hop up is definetly stronger (might be because i was using an old rubber!!)


More consistent groupings.


Thanks Madbull!

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Redwolf is selling them separate? In the states they are going for $10 for both the rubber and silicone with the barbell nub. Sorry for using the wrong terminology. I think I might buy a couple and try them out when I make my next order to airsoftgi.com If figure its worth the money just to try. I've got $10 to drop on something like this. I am interested to hear more review from people, but it sounds positive as long as you are not using high speed setup and I'm all for power, not speed.

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