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Green Mountain Rangers (GMR) Smoke Assault On Hotel Zussman


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After a long wait, the unit has finally released footage of the smoke assault from Op: Irene V. This assault was carried out in the opening minutes of Op: Irene V in 2007. The Green Mountain Rangers were part of a lead element tasked with taking the heavily defended Hotel Zussman. Through determined aggression and the willingness to push through a morning of heavy casualties the unit was able to eventually secure this critical piece of real estate.


You may view the video of the assault visit our IMINT page at www.gmrangers.org


or watch it now on YouTube at

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Thanks GMR for that awesome video, it really gets the blood going! :D For those who were insinuating that hits were not being called. Though I havent played Airsoft in terms of being at a large skirmish in a few years, when I did play I had the pleasure of sharing the field with members of GMR several times. They are good honorable men and were always the first to admit when they were hit. Lets remember that we all wear alot of gear on the field and sometimes in the heat of the moment incoming rounds are not felt.

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Thanks GMR for that awesome video, it really gets the blood going! :D For those who were insinuating that hits were not being called. Though I havent played Airsoft in terms of being at a large skirmish in a few years, when I did play I had the pleasure of sharing the field with members of GMR several times. They are good honorable men and were always the first to admit when they were hit. Lets remember that we all wear alot of gear on the field and sometimes in the heat of the moment incoming rounds are not felt.




Thank you for the kind words, and we hope to see you in the field sometime soon!


We actually out of the 10 GMR Members, only 3 made it inside (2 in the side window, and 1 through the mousehole in the back).


At the end of the video, you can see one our members in mask in the middle of the orange smoke. So I hate to say it, but as a rush as it was- the beginning was more like the opening scene from "Enemy At The Gates".


After a very long, and persistent morning we were able to establish a CCP inside a lower room on the first floor of the hotel and began clearing rooms. At the end- of scenario 1; double occupation of the building forfeit a heavy number of points for each side.

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I saw the public demo video you guys have, that was pretty cool. It's nice to see a team who knows what their doing once and a while. I liked how you used the proper searching procedures and had security outside the door as the others cleared the room and recleared. One criticism, no security when coming up the stairs (unless it's just not visible from the camera angle).


The Irene video was super intense, great footage.

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I saw the public demo video you guys have, that was pretty cool. It's nice to see a team who knows what their doing once and a while. I liked how you used the proper searching procedures and had security outside the door as the others cleared the room and recleared. One criticism, no security when coming up the stairs (unless it's just not visible from the camera angle).


The Irene video was super intense, great footage.

Hey Mars,


Thanks! Good notice- no one else brought that up.


Actually, during the demo- I was posted up on security at the top of the stairs, while another unit member, moved around to cover a small cutout "redzone" for the rest of the unit to move past.


We had come up after an introduction, with no warning and the person in the audience who had the camera turned it on just a little late.


Prior to the takedown (when the camera cuts away), I had moved to cover the stairs to redirect personnel and call out down the stairs when we had to move everyone down to security.


So unfortunately- I didn't make that cut... but you can hear me in the background.


If you watch carefully, during the EPW Searches, one member catches out of the corner of his eye, a pistol slightly too close to a downed suspect, and gives it a good kick a few seconds into the raid.



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I did notice the pistol and the kick, good stuff. So, you guys are mainly ex-military, Army, Marines, what are we talking? My team's XO is an Army Ranger so we've sapped him of all his knowledge, it's so much more fun when you know what to do.

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About 1:20 into the video the cameraman opens the door just a crack and points a pistol through. Now come on, play fair, if you're gonna use a door open it and give the guys (if any) on the other side to shoot you. We know this isn't real steel and that you can't shoot through doors but give a guy a target.

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Thanks everybody for checking out our videos. Hopefully when we get back from OP BLACKJACK in Florida we will have more up for your viewing pleasure. Come check out our boards every now and again to see if you will see us out and about. If you do, definetly come say hello, I certainly always love talking tactics. As far as real world experience on the team, we have more than most teams, the second guy in the stack on the demo vid is a recent veteran of the Ranger Batts, another member just finished up his second tour in Iraq and I am going on my third at the end of the year. We also have a mix of other services too. Anyways, come check out our website www.gmrangers.org and take a look around and definetly give us a shout on the boards.



email: blackjack -at- gmrangers.org

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