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Irish Airsoft Airmail Ban....


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This is hopefully just a misunderstanding :P


More info can be found here



Spectacular pile of assumption in that linked thread.


The VCRA came into force in October 2007.

From the start of April 2008 HK post offices wont ship to Ireland.

It must be because of the VCRA.

Yes, we'll tell them we're not subject to the VCRA.

Yes, the VCRA.






So, ummm, did it occur to you guys that it's NOT actually anything to do with the VCRA?

I mean, if it IS the VCRA then fair enough but RSOV (and the other HK retailers) seem to be well aware that the VCRA has been in force since October.

It seems highly unlikely that they'd all suffer a mass hallucination and assume it only came into force in April and suddenly decide to stop shipping.



Just contacted a mate who lives in Ireland and he phoned up the Irish Post Office.

They're not aware of any new restrictions on exports from HK to Ireland.

Definitely looks like there's something wrong on the HK end. You'd thing they'd be able to cite some piece of legislation to support their decision to stop shipping.

I wonder if it's just an economic decision? Maybe the courier companies just find it too expensive to send air-mail into Ireland?

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Astounding link - Someone DID mention the UK isn't ON THE LIST, but the following replies just kept banging on about the rest of the world thinking Ireland was the same as the UK and that's why they wouldn't ship to Ireland...


Still, they say there's some truth in every stereotype... ;)



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Still, they say there's some truth in every stereotype... wink.gif


There's no need to be going off in an unconstructive tangent snowman.


I wonder if it's just an economic decision? Maybe the courier companies just find it too expensive to send air-mail into Ireland?



Bear in mind the problem stems from Speedpost EMS refusing to ship "airsoft toys" to the countries listed above. There's no mention about other items being restricted (hell, I received a non airsoft related package from by EMS from Hong Kong yesterday).

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Bear in mind the problem stems from Speedpost EMS refusing to ship "airsoft toys" to the countries listed above. There's no mention about other items being restricted (hell, I received a non airsoft related package from by EMS from Hong Kong yesterday).

Yep. Was just a thought.

I wondered if, maybe, airsoft stuff required more security and, hence, greater cost.


As others have said, the other countries listed don't have a VCRA in place so, although it's vaguely possible that the VCRA in the UK might affect Ireland, it ain't gonna affect Argentina.


Anyway, the paddy post office claim no knowledge of any new legislation in April that affects imports. I phoned em up and specifically asked about replica guns.

I reckon that, at best, this is going to end up as something to do with the policy of the airlines that ship replica guns from HK to these countries.


Thing is, if HK announced it then they MUST have some bit of legislation to back it up. You guys need to pester RSOV and Co to investigate rather than just saying "We can still do ground mail but it takes 2 months".


I guess you could phone the HK post office yourself. :unsure:

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Yep. Was just a thought.

I wondered if, maybe, airsoft stuff required more security and, hence, greater cost.


As others have said, the other countries listed don't have a VCRA in place so, although it's vaguely possible that the VCRA in the UK might affect Ireland, it ain't gonna affect Argentina.


Anyway, the paddy post office claim no knowledge of any new legislation in April that affects imports. I phoned em up and specifically asked about replica guns.

I reckon that, at best, this is going to end up as something to do with the policy of the airlines that ship replica guns from HK to these countries.


Thing is, if HK announced it then they MUST have some bit of legislation to back it up. You guys need to pester RSOV and Co to investigate rather than just saying "We can still do ground mail but it takes 2 months".


I guess you could phone the HK post office yourself. :unsure:



Indeed, pretty sure its been chased up by the IAA (similar to your ABA or UKARA).


I'm not familiar with the current laws regarding airsoft in the other Countries mentioned in the list, does anyone from the Countries listed know if they also have a 1 Joule restriction?


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Spectacular pile of assumption in that linked thread.


The VCRA came into force in October 2007.

From the start of April 2008 HK post offices wont ship to Ireland.

It must be because of the VCRA.

Yes, we'll tell them we're not subject to the VCRA.

Yes, the VCRA.





i got this email from cobra airsoft about 3 days ago


Dear Chris


we can see that you have a gun in your order,

so we would like to know if you have the license required under the VCRA.

having the license, you can recieve the gun without having it being sprayed 60% in bright colour


without a license, you can still recieve the gun, but the gun will have to be sprayed 60% in bright colour


please tell us more


best regards



and its not the first issues i've had, i would not call it speculative as there still are people with the vcra and basic geography :P

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Apologies to anyone I offended, it was intended as a good natured dig at the rather headless chicken responses in that thread DESPITE the fact that someone clearly pointed out that it covered a number of countries NONE of which was the UK.


Some people think the English are all arrogant, fascist, repressed xenophobes - For evidence of that stereotype, go read the thread about Shannon whatserface.. ;)


Anyway, is it possible the Irish Postal service or even airport authorities have requested that gun shaped items not be sent to them on planes, due to the havoc it could potentially cause?



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There are a lot of unanswered questions and apparent gaping holes in what is being claimed by RSOV on behalf of the Honk Kong postal service.


Claims of the "destination countries request" - in this case Ireland - strike me as being dishonest for a couple of reasons. As has been mentioned on the boards.ie link posted earlier in the thread, they apparently aren't allowed to airmail but are allowed to surface mail. Now, either something is legal or it is not in the destination country, so that in itself makes absolutely no sense.


Secondly, none of the rival postal companies have apparently had any such restrictions enforced. So what gives?


As for why there is a line of thinking concerning the VCRA affecting Ireland due to basic lack of geographical knowledge, this has happened before with RSOV (and other HK retailers), where members of boards.ie had to explain that Ireland was not affected by the VCRA since it's a seperate country with seperate legislation. So on that note there is prior history and reason to raise the question.


There's a pile of other questions marks here but I'm not going to go into them since I'm meant to be working right now. Deadlines and what-not. Fun fun fun (not).


If it turns out to be an AnPost (Irish Postal Service) thing, then it'll be time for pitchforks and burning torches in the night, but everything seems to point towards someone somewhere in Hong Kong have badly crossed wires.

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From what a friend in my local airsoft store said, some couriers refuse to ship guns, gunlike objects and replica guns ANYWHERE. Wasn't fun to hear when waiting for a big shipment that 'it's being cancelled' by your transporter...Had to buy couple pints for my friend.



Could be just Speedpost being piecemalish about it... Those are just the countries where someone at office has NOTICED that airsofts are going to? :)

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From what a friend in my local airsoft store said, some couriers refuse to ship guns, gunlike objects and replica guns ANYWHERE. Wasn't fun to hear when waiting for a big shipment that 'it's being cancelled' by your transporter...Had to buy couple pints for my friend.


That still doesn't explain how the same courier (in this case Hong Kong Post's EMS service) will ship the same objects elsewhere. Again , another question mark. HK Post either do or do not post said objects anywhere.


Could be just Speedpost being piecemalish about it... Those are just the countries where someone at office has NOTICED that airsofts are going to? :)


I'd imagine (I stand open to correction) that most companies upon seeing something they do not permit (if that's the case) being transported will simply issue blanket-notice. Again, why single out a couple of countries? It's extra work for you then go back and update that list again and again when you know you don't ship anywhere for certain items.


On top of that, claiming it's at the behest of the countries involved, when both AnPost and the DoJ (Irish Dept. of Justice) have apparently claimed to know nothing about any legislative changes recently passed (very unlikely). It all really doesn't add up given what HK Post have allegedly said thus far.

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Dear Sam


we can see that you have a gun in your order,

so we would like to know if you have the license required under the VCRA.

having the license, you can recieve the gun without having it being sprayed 60% in bright colour


without a license, you can still recieve the gun, but the gun will have to be sprayed 60% in bright colour


please tell us more


best regards



I received this Identical e-mail also, referring to the VCRA.


Not to mention the use of the the term "realistic imitation firearm" in other notices.


Yes yes, where on earth did us "paddies" get the idea this was to do with the VCRA.


Maybe some more quasi racist comments will further educate us slobbering bog warriors.



You'd be surprised how many of us enjoy reading arnies, I will continue to, but this sort of ignorant b0llox is completely unnecessary.

Its only going to breed bad relations.


Now I perfectly aware that this may NOT be a VCRA issue, but it is not impossible, and as such we have discussed the possibility of that being the case on our forum.

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Yep. Was just a thought.

I wondered if, maybe, airsoft stuff required more security and, hence, greater cost.


As others have said, the other countries listed don't have a VCRA in place so, although it's vaguely possible that the VCRA in the UK might affect Ireland, it ain't gonna affect Argentina.


Anyway, the paddy post office claim no knowledge of any new legislation in April that affects imports. I phoned em up and specifically asked about replica guns.

I reckon that, at best, this is going to end up as something to do with the policy of the airlines that ship replica guns from HK to these countries.


Thing is, if HK announced it then they MUST have some bit of legislation to back it up. You guys need to pester RSOV and Co to investigate rather than just saying "We can still do ground mail but it takes 2 months".


I guess you could phone the HK post office yourself. :unsure:


Do you tend to get informative replies calling places up and refering to them in racist, derogatory terms?

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The thread linked to is positively retarded in it's assumption that Hong Kong post refusing to deliver to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Slovenia and Uraguay (as well as Ireland) is related to the VCRA.


Do you tend to get informative replies calling places up and refering to them in racist, derogatory terms?

Do you get anything done when you feel compelled to spend so much time being indignant?

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Plenty of us have received queries and e-mails referring to the vcra from hk.


It would be positively retarded to not see a vcra confusion as a possible reason.



Why would we care about argentina, we are the ones receiving vcra related e-mails, are we retarded to discuss this as a possible cause for us to be listed as a no go for ems?

Bearing in mind there is no legislation here banning such items?

Bearing in mind the only illogical reason, given the lack of logical ones, is a possible mess up regarding your vcra and confusion in HK?

Considering we have received e-mails to that effect?


What ever the reason for the latest confusion, discussing the vcra as a possible cause is not, as you so eloquently put it, retarded.



TBH though you, stealth bomber, are coming across as an ignorant twit who didn't expect the paddies to be within earshot, and is now on the defensive, as you, and the replies you have received, have made you look like the only retard here?


Bravo, perhaps now is the time to save face, and show some minuscule level of respect for people, and maybe you'll earn some for yourself in return.


Feel free to ban away if you chose not to take the high road.

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Guys, guys, no need to fall out over this. Its does seem that some of the normal retailers such as RSOV and others have all of a sudden pulled the plug on exports to Ireland, for no apparant reason. Be it a mistake or intentional theres no need to get all personal about it. is there? :)

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Why would we care about argentina, we are the ones receiving vcra related e-mails, are we retarded to discuss this as a possible cause for us to be listed as a no go for ems?



Go and look at the document from the HK Post Office again.

Where does it mention the VCRA?


If you are being told about the VCRA when ordering from retailers then obviously they are at fault.

Simply assuming this is related to the VCRA because other problems have been is dumb.


Find out why they're not shipping guns to Argentina and Brazil and consider if the same reason could also apply to Ireland.

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