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Star EGLM in at Gunners


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The trigger on the launcher is different than the one from the SCAR. There's no magazine well port.

Bit of a shame that, if does look like its still got the QD system there though, if it does detach it will need to sit so far forward of a mag it'd to make it unuseable.

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What a shame, Im glad I saw this thread before buying it. I wonder if Star will develope a way to detach the rear trigger section and replace it with a longer one for the magazine. Sort of like replacing a G36 magwell with the private parts one to accept M4 mags. It looks like it just is held by that one pin, and has the swivel point to pull down and out.


I'll keep holding out for the VFC one...

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what the hell is the point to this? really? I know people who skirmish and use mounted launchers, but only may get to use them on the odd occasion - I don't get it!


The real EGLM is modular and can be mounted just to a stock as well as the rifle. It can then be used in riot situations to launch CS gas and less leathal projectiles. Of course any 40mm grenade will do.

Here's a video of the real deal that was posted a few days ago:



Remember there is the M79 Grenade launcher (real steel), that was replicated for airsoft. Makes a great CQB backup gun :).

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It can then be used in riot situations to launch CS gas and less leathal projectiles.


Riot launchers are often smaller (37mm IIRC) so that you don't accidentally blow up the rioters. Of course that doesn't stop you loading CS gas or beanbag rounds into normal 40mm launchers. Not really relevant though.

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