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Replica KAC HandStop


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Just noticed this over at STAR's website. A replica of the KAC Handstop, which was originally developed for the KAC PDW as a device to be installed on the end of the lower rail to ensure the shooter doesn't accidentally slip their hand in front of the muzzle. It has since been frequently used by many shooters in a reversed position to act as a point of reference and support rather than as a Handstop:






No KAC Markings, but the build quality looks decent. Here's what the real KAC handstop looks like in the normal and reversed positions.


Normal orientation:






I'm quite surprised VFC hasn't released this yet. No word on price, but if it's on STAR's website, it's probably only a short time before you start seeing them in stores. For frame of reference, the real KAC Handstops cost US$59.95. I imagine this'll probably cost half that.




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uscm - on your second rifle, you have your support hand inbetween the HandStop and the magwell? So the side of your "pointing" finger butts up against this handstop?


What the length of your rifle? One thing that irritates me, and probably why I have no real use for a KAC HandStop, is that I like holding the rifle right out the front, but my G36E2 still doesn't feel like it's a comfortable length...

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uscm - on your second rifle, you have your support hand inbetween the HandStop and the magwell? So the side of your "pointing" finger butts up against this handstop?


How longs your rifle? One thing that irritates me, and probably why I have no real use for a KAC HandStop, is that I like holding the rifle right out the front, but my G36E2 still doesn't feel like it's a comfortable length...

Nope. My support hand sits in front of the handstop. When the handstop is in the reverse position, my hand comes to rest in front of the handstop and it acts as a point of reference for where I need to be grabbing the rifle every time for a consistent grip. It also assists in a more secure grip as my support hand has something to pull against. It basically replaces the vertical foregrip in that when I had a VFG, I didn't grip the VFG like a handle, I simply used the top of the VFG for a point of reference and for support, but I always kept my hand predominantly on the front end with my thumb parallel to the axis of the bore. This isn't a new approach/technique by any means and many rifle instructors and competition shooters have been preaching this for a while.


Like so:






KAC do not sell these outside of the states so anyone not bless to be under the stars and stripes is stuffed

I understand that. My point is that an airsoft replica manufacturer (STAR) has manufactured these which means that those outside of the US can buy these as well.

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If you have the money to buy a VFC SR15, Why not just buy a real one? (If your in the US that is)

Because he's in California, and it can be a pain in the butt to get KAC stuff into CA due to the ATF/DOD mistake when they amended the ban list. Also, it's a pretty hard to come by part as it tends to sell out pretty fast. The replica will be much easier to get once it comes out.

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