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Everything posted by aber_guy11

  1. What kind of range and accuracy does the VFC AKS74U have? Or the Boyi version? I'm thinking of getting one. And where can I get black furniture for it?
  2. CA CQB Compact King Arms Noveske MBK Grippod Noveske FirePig Amplifier Magpul CTR buttstock G&P Aimpoint
  3. I would just prefer something with no stock at all. I think it would be lighter and easier to carry. Are there any real drawbacks to using a spring shotgun? I've used a TM SPAS12 springer a couple times and it wasn't all that bad. However, I really don't like the look of the SPAS and would prefer something like the 870 or 1100.
  4. Wow, thanks. Yeah I would most likely only use it for CQB as a backup. I want something with just a pistol grip and a short barrel.
  5. I don't know. I think I want to get a shotgun but I don't want something crappy. So what would you say is the best? I'm thinking I want a pump gas shotgun.
  6. What's the best shotgun manufacturer?
  7. Newhotness, What suppressor is that?
  8. I didn't know KWA made M4s. Sweet though, I like it!
  9. I'm not really sure what's going on, but I attribute it to the overhaul that Arnie's is doing, but for some reason I can't make a new topic, so I'm just going to ask my question in here in hopes of getting a response. Please don't flame me... Will the Magpul Ranger Floor/L Plates work with CA M16 mid-caps? How are they installed?
  10. I really like that CASV. Can't wait to get mine!
  11. So it makes it easier if you remove the bolt release first?
  12. Ok, so it just takes finesse. I saw how you needed to do it, I was just wondering if there was some trick to make it easier. Alright, thanks!
  13. Alright, so I have to replace the switch assembly. How do I get the gearbox out of the lower receiver? I can't figure out how to get the mag catch off...help!
  14. I agree that the EBR just looks weird. It's nice that it allows you to use more accessories with the M14, but it just steals that classic look.
  15. So the MIAD grip from Redwolf is already set up to be mounted on an airsoft rifle?
  16. Here's mine! Waiting on a tan Magpul CTR and tan Magpul ladder rail covers!
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