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About Moody

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 10/16/1978

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    CA M249 MkI, G&P M653, TM M16A1, TM M4A1, TM AK47S, TM M16A2/M203, TM G36C, TM G3A4, TM Uzi, TM XM177E2, KSC Glock 17, WE M1911-A1, CYMA AKS-74.
  • Most likely to say
    I know, right?
  • Country
    United States

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    Uhhhh is this a trick question?! Aside from airsoft I guess getting laid, and getting drunk on occasion.
  1. CB, your children I must have. Your FAL makes my shorts gooey and warm. Horse, I'm about to inherit said Galil, you're making me nervous. But between handling it, and your FNC, I feel they're compareable. Yo're biased because you've had it for so long. I do agre the STAR is pretty frickin' solid.
  2. TAC Force Commando Rig. I got it from OpsGear. They used to have them on their website, but now they're only available in store now. Google TAC Force chest rig, and you might be able to find one. If not PM me, and we can work something out to get you one.
  3. On the real steel AK74M it is where the cleaning kit is stored.
  4. Where'd you source the furniture Jeebus?
  5. If ya gotta ask big man, you shouldn't own it
  6. Excellent pics, but I gotta ask.......whats with the dude thats dressed like a rabbi?
  7. If someone wants to run their suck about something they don't know about, they deserve to get monkey stomped by those in the know. Too nice? Sheeeeiit. BTW, I'm hoping to have my G&G AKMS by my birthday, and I'll finally post some pics. One question....would the Unicorn AKM midcaps work in it? Their shading looks quite a bit more correct than the MAG AKM magazines.
  8. HA! You know that AR's have come a long way when you start calling an A2 "old-school"
  9. Shroom, you've got the best looking AK's out there (sorry Grim ) I'm assuming those are real handguards on the Kalash? Where did you get them? Did you have to re-stain them, or did they come like that?
  10. And don't forget about the gas block. But I think that's the one thing that most AK connisouers (or however you spell it) forgo. They can't make everything to exact specs (unfortunately)
  11. I had a black I had the Guarder CQB in black. It was one of the best rigs I've ever owned. I finally broke down and got the Guarder Riflemans vest (a copy of the BHI ISSAK, which is in turn a copy of the LBR Riverine rig) I'll post some pics soon.
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