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About Candyman

  • Rank
    Regular Poster

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  • Airsofter since
    not sure i have
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Some awesome looking guns in this thread! Well done to all the custom guns. No longer own this one, but I cut the stock from a lump of walnut
  2. Hi,

    the Colt arrived last week, all lovely.



  3. Yes thats one of mine, not sure which one though, looks like it need to come back to the candy shop for a repaint!
  4. Here is something you dont see everyday. One is mine, the other I was doing some work on for a customer.
  5. Stock I cut out of walnut:
  6. Cases are from the same chap on ebay, just search on aluminium rifle case, http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll...rifle+aluminium hunt_shoot_fish he's called, also Zero one do some nice cases (www.zerooneairsoft.com)
  7. Yaaaaaaaay a thread just for me! mmmmm scrummy dsr1.... all shiney........ *goes off to unpack dsr and point at imaginary targets making pop pop noises*
  8. Tishina granade launcher, fires a 27mm moscart, made a few of these now for people.
  9. Me again, sorry based on a KSC Glock 18c and firing full auto.
  10. I use a 3mp Sony P32, its a cheap camera now, no tripod. I think the key to a good photo is good light, I always take gun photos outside. Make sure the sun is behind you but dont cast a shadow over your subject. Its also easy to lose your weapon in the background, so either make sure the background isnt too busy, or be far enough away fromt hebackground that it'll be out of focus and look fuzzy. I tend to get very close to photo detail which is fine so long as its light enough.
  11. Ignore the above, ive been assured your a stand up guy! hope to hear from you soon.

  12. If you are reading this Al can you please PAY me for the work I trustingly did for you.

  13. Thanks all, I just work from pictures I google All the wood is walnut I have yet to skirmish any of them but i will be using the dsr at some point this year
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