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Everything posted by Stangace

  1. I'm working on converting the high cap to a mid cap. It doesn't look too difficult although I don't have all that much spare time now that school has started again.
  2. I have a G&P aimpoint on my M14 and it's not too high. It sits quite nicely; the dot sits just above the front sight but it's not so high that it's wierd. It's on a L mount, not a cantilever, if that makes a difference.
  3. Excellent work! It came out great!
  4. Gearbox/reciever? He said it's in a solid stock
  5. Do you (or anyone else who has one for that matter) have any problem getting the mag to click into the magwel? Sometimes mine's a bit finnicky. The mag only catches about half the time, and if it doesn't catch at first wiggling the mag back and forth a little bit will usually coerce it in. Anyone else have anything like this? Great review btw.
  6. Nice loadout. That LR300 looks awesome.
  7. I think it's just the KSC USP with a metal slide and outer barrel (compared to the stock KSC plastic slide and barrel).
  8. Stangace

    KSC P226

    Nice review. I've been thinking about picking one of these up. Maybe when my next pay check comes in... How are the mags in terms of gas efficiency?
  9. Massumma- Thanks. Yeah, I'm not too thrilled with that dump pouch, with both the color and the functionality. I'm looking for another but it's not really on the top of my priorities. Solidius- It's great there for ACU summer, fall, and winter. But in the spring, especially this year when we got enough rain, it gets really green there. Excellent for multicam but not as much for ACU. ACU still works, but there are better options. It's hard to tell in the top picture, but since the bottom two pictures were taken I have painted my M14. Used Krylon OD for the base and Tan for the camo. I
  10. This was from this past weekend: And these are from a game last year ACU on left and desert MARPAT on right
  11. Works great where I play in Southern California. I'll post some pic's up later of my last game.
  12. I've got 3 mags and only one of mine leak
  13. For all those interested, Uncompany has the black SD slide and threaded outer barrel in stock for the .45.
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