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About Akinnen

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 12/08/1984

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  1. More pictures please... Is there any Mandrake in China based shops?
  2. More from me... and the Leaf was high
  3. canadian arid cadpat and croatian digital desert
  4. Yeah, great stuff mate. Keep it up. Pantera rocks!
  5. Well I just knew you will start hardcore on me, pulling out big gunz n stuff. L0L... But thanks, great photos. I hope in future I will see a photo of a horse wearing cadpat. PS I never liked you Artillery guys
  6. Darn!!!!11 I want your gear from this thread in my closet. You are here like Ferrari guy in Opel Club event. And wha'?! Hefty? I raise you by one! @cent101 Thanks man. It's bad choice for autumn and winter here, but in spring and summer it's rock and roll. OT: Croatia is a beauty, yeah, thanks for noticing. But my dear favorite is of course Suomi land. Nice girls, great hockey team, and I like snow and cold more then summer and sun. The best part is that you have lions heart, you fought the read beast (talvisota kicking a$$) like David against Goliath. Only bad t
  7. Team-mate and I from today's event. And a big kiss to all of you cadpat users
  8. More from CRO caddy users (defending thread) - from last Sunday game, Spoil of War II And me in "you shall not pass" pose
  9. Lerch I hope you will be happy with new photos from Croatian caddy's I'm with OD tacvest, and cap
  10. My HK416 hangs on Glock knife
  11. Family get bigger by some newbies 4 hours old newbie
  12. I could say that's logic thing to do,isn't it? I hope that this tree picture will not confuse you
  13. Big WOW from me. SPAT/SPAP guys rocks. Great job man, keep it up.
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