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About Basho

  • Rank
    EX- Head Marshal @ Tier 1 Military Simulations

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  • Airsofter since
  • Most likely to say
    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Martial Arts,Fencing,Writing

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  1. Ed you were one of the best and most geniune players at the werkz
  2. Yes, that's her. I remember having a 1-1 pistol duel with her boyfriend because of a miss fire. Eventually, they became regulars at Electrowerkz and friends. Haven't seen them since that club closed. However, I still see "Tripwire" (Mark Gracey) every week as we play xbox together with others from Tier 1. Back then Arnie's was the home of airsoft.
  3. You find these in your "airsoft odds and sods" box.
  4. Hey all, please help spreading the word It's Christmas, so here is your present of my Operation Jawbreaker film (the full version): a 24hour Milsim event held in Copehill Down FIBUA site, near Stonehenge in England, by Tier 1 Military Simulations. This is roleplaying at its very finest. No actors, no retakes, everything happens live once the game is on! 37 minutes of the best Military Simulation ever undertaken in the UK and all cut together with music and professionally coloured. This is a film of how deep Military Simulation can go. Please "like" us on Facebook and share amongst your fr
  5. Basho has just been promoted and is sitting in a hotel room in Dublin very happy! EMEA Client Services Manager ahoy!

  6. After the simply amazing performance of the British female Judo team, it's for the TKD players to bring the fight. Can they step up to such an incredible level?

    1. FireKnife


      Wait, what we did well at an Olympic martial arts event? Well done for Team GB, even with this big waste of money at least the team is kicking *albatross* :P

    2. cazboab


      Also the first ever gold medal for British womens boxing. They might suck at football, running and swimming, but years of catfights at 2AM in town centres have made our women unbeatable in sports that involve hitting people.


  7. Sorry, no. I did have someone video the in game red brief
  8. Hey All, Just wanted to drop you a line re my new film and article about Operation Jawbreaker. This was a 24hour Milsim event held in Copehill Down FIBUA site, near Stonehenge in England, by Tier 1 Military Simulations. The promo is here: http://youtu.be/-lxutOnHYzI Quote from article: I stood looking out of the café window at the sun soaked street outside. People dressed in dishdashas and pakols were setting up shops in the buildings opposite. Quite a funky bhangra beat was coming out of the speakers in the next window along and the men were all slightly bobbing in time
  9. just launched www.airsoftfilm.com

  10. << posted a new film to Outside Context!

  11. The gun is still working well. The battery is still 8v small. Frankly I don't see the need for 9 or for lipo at the moment. I took some more footage using the gun at a game (see the videos thread). It definatley warrants a 9/10, quite an AEG.
  12. Haven't tried a Lipo yet, given the speed on a standard 8v small - I dont really need to!
  13. They have always been v v good for me and everyone I know. As for the lack of email, I can't comment. Incorrect address perhaps?
  14. 50% of the DA's at GZ Weekender 2009. GZ is a casual event, so we can wear what we want. We have two sub teams, one wears MC and the other wears black. Basho
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