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About Fatal

  • Rank
    "Like a boss!"
  • Birthday 06/06/1984

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  • Most likely to say
    F'N Boot!
  • Country
    United States

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    poolee Boone
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    So Cal

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  1. Dark blue works much better at night then black.
  2. I used Krylon Camouflage tan, brown and green. I also used Rustoleum Camouflage brown. I cut a small section of digital squares, then based with tan. Used the stencil with brown, green dusted the whole weapon with tan and green. Then Rustoleum brown dusting with the stencil again. Took about 40 mins with dry time.
  3. I figured since there wasn't a topic for this I should start one. Here I am at a local game, I'm not too sure I'm that impressed with it. We will see as summer comes along.
  4. I'd like to see that TAG vest on RG Crye uniform.
  5. At least someone wears the backpanel the way that makes sense.
  6. I have never seen anyone use a lanyard in a turret. I did over 150 combat missions in a turret and I never wore one.
  7. Why don't you flip the battery pack upside down and run the wire inside the helmet?
  8. Hang em off a loop of 550 cord, that is like the slowest way to employ a chemlight.
  9. You should've photoshopped his top button being undone.
  10. I actually think your kit looks good, I'd just police up those chemlights and move the CAT so you can actually shoulder your weapon properly.
  11. That is the wrong NVG mount arm, and that guy on the far right looks boot as hell.
  12. Hit on Deberoha!!! LIKE A BOSS!

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