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About findiboy16

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 02/21/1989

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Airsoft (obviously)

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  1. aye its my new designated get in from work and slump clothing!!!! great for keeping me cool and protected when my wife makes me hoover late in the evening
  2. a test run with some left over fabric i had. just to get a feel for the next project and we have TARTAN UBACS!!!!!!!
  3. nixon tell me a little bit about how you cut your lid man! i always over cut mine with the dremel and have a huge gap!!
  4. strange i had that problem before the addition of the silicone ( which was why i added so much of it ) still perhaps i was doing something wrong in re-assembly!! more skilled hands than mine i guess! i have much to learn! kudo's to you anyway dude!!
  5. looks amazing man glad to see it turned out well!! just out of curiosity how did you fix that damn airseal!???
  6. it could be a little brighter dude low key or not its no good when people cant see it! all the same ! position of the lights is good and the loadout looks awesome edit ...i should be a bit more constructive low key mostly refers to the background and the use of shadows! but a good shot of a lovely detailed subject like yours is no good as he is the same exaposure as the background and lacks any ''pop'' dont be afraid to crank up the light to make him stand out!
  7. heya chaps sorry about the lack of an update, im having problems with this rifle, that may have been pre-existing when I brought it, so no review on performance I will say that the gearbox quality is pretty amazing though!!!
  8. This isn't really a proper review just yet chaps as I've only really owned the rifle 2 weeks and spent a lot of time simply just fondling it. so ill go over with a few pointers before I gather the information I need for field performance. Another reason is that I picked up mine on the classifieds and it has been downgraded to around 300fps I was quoted 330 but shots at a coke can on .20g rounds fail to even penetrate one side of the can ill keep an eye on this thread so go ahead and throw a Q&A at me .the box is of a decent quality and well packed in thin moulded plastic, pre
  9. terrible picture i know, ill get some better ones when i get home she is perfect in every way ics m1 garand
  10. same game as james from the previouse page my M4 was being a sod on and off but still providing great performance boy do i wish id never taken that helmet off aswell!!!!
  11. dear god in heaven heroshark that is the best thing ive seen in ages!!! im really into the idea of making masks for props and photos and randomn fun!!! it must be time consuming but is it exspensive!! do you have any decent online resources??
  12. found an old pro-tec around the house and did it up!!! loved the way it turned out but i hate how huge it is on my head anyone know a small helmet that doesnt have the styrofoam like liner but will still take a few blows!! ive been looking at pro-tec ace wake helmets and the a-alpha half shells!! im assuming the alphas are just cut up pro-tecs??
  13. trying to make a fictional loadout using alpenflage and giving a modern ish loadout impression helmets mostly for show or mounting my go-pro will stick some velcro on it. what do you guys recommend for making it look awesome in the most cost effective way possibly! i was thinking light-sticks but they are a bit out of date these days what with e-lites etc i was thinking of bolting some g36 rails on the sides
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