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X Lupin

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About X Lupin

  • Rank
    Minister of FAMAS Arts & Sciences
  • Birthday 10/27/1975

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    United States

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    X Lupin the 3rd
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  1. HA HA! It is a joke.

  2. I wrestled a beard, once.

  3. X Lupin


    Instead of sitting on the internet reminiscing about how great it was to have an airsoft gun, why not just get one and then reminisce about how great your life was before you had to worry about all the troubles of owning an airsoft gun. I'm pretty sure just owning an airsoft gun and posting on an airsoft forum doesn't do that much to your health.
  4. Also you must remember that Co2 is still a liquid gas prone to cooldown. Nothing works exactly as it should in the freezing cold, with the exception of HPA, and even that doesn't function as it should below 0 degrees. If you do so much winter skirmishing that it justifies the cost of Co2 caplets and Co2 magazines, then go for Co2, however, if you play airsoft primarily in the warmer months, it might be worth it to switch to an AEG for the winter months, as the price of Co2 and Co2 mags adds up rather quickly.
  5. The gas type. Although Co2 does better in the freezing cold, the advantages of using propane (price, convenience,) outweigh it. -#1 airsoft weapon designer of the good ol' US of A
  6. The FAMAS is craptastic for anything but CQB unless a tremendous amount of labour is poured into it. Exactly my point as to why its curious that the FAMAS can outshoot this gun. 60 metres is just shy of 200ft. I'd say that's a good upward ceiling for most good AEG's. 70 metres, I admit, would be pushing it. However, that's irrelevant. If you want to continue picking at straws, go ahead. I'm not going to argue with Portugal's #1 airsoft grandmaster, that would be foolish of me. The only reason I wrote that post was to give a perspective from someone who isn't trying to justify his ow
  7. I chose not to read the entirety of your post due to the amount/repetition of smiley faces. However, I will affirm that I would not recommend this gun to anyone for skirmishing. It's fun to fart around with, but the performance is just sub-par for a gun shooting at/over 400FPS. I will re-state that a 250FPS Tokyo Marui FAMAS will outrange and produce better accuracy than this gun. It is not a high-performance weapon, it is more of a gimmick than anything. Kills at 50 metres are nothing astonishing. I did say the weapon can get about this range in semi. Each and every one of my pistol
  8. The gun shoots like ######. As do the other specimens I have handled. My gun is mechanically perfect, I have inspected it thoroughly. It sucks by design. If you think that 100' effective range is good, then please enjoy this gun. However, if you want to win, get something else. Also, I would agree about fullauto IF the accuracy was thrown off due to the recoil. However, this is not the case. You could put your gun in a vice and it would still have the trajectory of rhino poop in FA. I admit, in semi auto its not the WORST gun I've used. But still bad.
  9. It seems like I am the only one who has one of these that isn't trying to justify his own purchase. I've been playing with and working on airsoft guns for 7 years, I like to think that I know a fairly large amount about these ball bullet guns. I would just like to add an honest and fair, no nonsense playability review of this gun. I got one of these and skirmished with it the other day. I would just like to point out that this weapon, as far as performance, sucks by design. The reason this weapon shoots so terribly is because it is based pretty much directly off the escort system, wi
  10. I went to an op and used it after my M60 went down. Let's just say... a lot of "Russians" got to "enjoy" TM's new pistol. It's really excellent, Range is tremendous and accuracy is more than passable. Using propane, I get about 40~50 shots to a fill. I would think that 134a would get you a true 3 reloads. These mags are LARGE, fellows.
  11. Yeah, I tend to white the trades on every gun I get my mitts on.
  12. An interesting thing to note is that the auto slide release works EXCELLENTLY on this replica. Better than any other I have tried before. It doesn't snap closed when you bump the frame or while you are inserting the magazine, but perfectly shuts when you insert a fresh magazine. The auto slide release even works with the weapon held upside-down, as the spring tension is actually balanced. The slide lock has a spring which holds it down when the follower isn't up, meaning it won't lock from the recoil or even upside-down, however, the follower spring is balanced so that it is just stronger tha
  13. X Lupin

    KJW M4

    Very nice, brief review, Donut.
  14. I subscribe to the beleif that the Tech forums are there for a reason. For specific issues, there should be a thread. That way, in stead of sifting through 50 pages of "WOW! Look at that!," You can, in stead, simply read the "Bolt breakage issue" topic.
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