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About colwombat

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    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 07/11/1986

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    Herro mongloian...
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    Clackamas, Oregon

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  1. It's difficult to capture the wear on this due to my lack of a real camera and using photobucket editing huehuehue, but here's my Real Sword Type 56. It's like the TG Hilux. It's been dropped, on fire, hit into and with things and generally neglected and yet, it will not die.
  2. Right as I'm trying to talk myself out of buying an AEG I don't need, you post this up... I'd lose the rail on it, but that's my taste. I like old staying old.
  3. Meant to use my SCAR-H with this, but it was being weird. Love this kit all the same.
  4. No. The blow back chamber screws into the rear sight. Plus the real rear site isn't the same size and the front is much too tight to fit in the stock slide or Shooter's Design slide's groove. I suppose with plenty of fitting you could get the front in there, but you still have the issue of the rear site. I was pretty sad finding that out (put night sights on my P30L and tried installing them on my KWA HK45 to no avail
  5. Took my knife off and added my homemade double pistol pouch. No idea why my phone took such a wonky picture, but I kinda like how it turned out.
  6. Again, nothing as cool as Eklam's work, just making stuff that I can't find. Made a QD system for my Platatac Bullock. I wanted to be able to dismount the pack easier if I didn't need it for the game/ I wanted a smaller pack for hikes or shooting, etc. I made 6 of the hook thingys and it seems to work great dinking around the house. The true test will be a game (hopefully sometime) Made a double pistol pouch that fits my Deagle/ Five-SeveN mags. I couldn't find anything that really worked with these mondo mags in MC/DD/AOR1 so I made my own. Again, not the cleanest work, but
  7. No where near as cool and the nylon witchcraft that's been posted above me, but I tried my hand in wrapping my holsters in camo. Still a WIP. Sorry about the picture quality. My camera is officially toast.
  8. I can't say enough about the quality of the Real Sword. Mine is going on 4 years old now, with no issues. Sure, a lipo caught fire in it, but the gun still runs like a champ, and I haven't been easy on it. It's done more than it's fair share of mag dumps, abuse from handling, being dropped etc and it comes back for more. It's the best shooting AEG out of the box I've owned. The mags that they make are amazing as well. Feed great and very sturdy.
  9. I'd suggest the kydex route as well. Lessens the chance of losing a mag since the mag catch won't go off randomly. http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/tokyo-marui-desert-eagle-original-abs-slide-and-frame-chrome.html#.VFL9yfnF98E Yes it's out of stock, but email them to get an ETA when they will get it back in.
  10. Had I known Marui was making this, I wouldn't have bought my KWA. Ohh well... Now if they'd only make a P30L!
  11. Finished up my LM4. Upper isn't correct, but it'll do for now.
  12. So my piston return spring blew up on me, and I kinda went overboard with fixing up my Five-seveN. Added a PDI TBB, Maple Leaf bucking, PDI piston head, Creation inner slide, and threw it all in a Guarder polycarb body. Weight isn't that much greater than the TM body, but it has a better feel to it. I also LOVE how easy TM pistols are to work on. Total job took a little more than an hour. Can't wait to really test it out!
  13. Did an Aussie kit a while back. Very happy with how the rig turned out. May do another one if they get spotted in Strandhoggs I'm on the left
  14. Painted my G&G 416 to cover up the awful trades. Not the best pictures as my camera was MIA.
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