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About Finbarqs

  • Rank
    Regular Poster

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  • Country
    United States

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  1. So the census for the we p90 is not very good?
  2. yeah, i'm gonna get my aug at evike.com now... tax included, it'll be under 400... but I can be sure they won't include a flash hider...
  3. damn... gonna sit back and wait on this... this might be GHK's first disappointment...
  4. how do you remove the silver tube? It seems to be stuck in there. Real good.
  5. just got my MWS today.. damn Red Wolf Super glued anywhere it mentions the word "colt". I'll bust out the acetone tomorrow when I get the chance and clean up the trades. However, I did get it @ 418USD OTD. Just placed an order for 5 mags on Ehobby. This will be my "borrow" gun for my friends. I do notice the overall feel of the gun doesn't feel as rugged as the GHK's, but the performance I'm sure will be a lot better. This gun, (compared to my GHK's and all my other builds/collection) feels like a toy compared to everything else. It's probably the lack of steel parts that makes it feel a
  6. alright awesome work guys! My MWS should be here tomorrow.... This will likely be used by my buddy who's not really into airsoft, but will go with me anyways. Just need a weapon that I don't need to baby sit... The GHK was almost there, t'il the nozzle started chopping bb's.
  7. will the VFC collapsible stock fit on the WE apache? I have a VFC DX with real parts, and I wanna get the SD1 from WE, convert it into a SD3. Does the SD actually contain foam?
  8. has your glock 19 steel version gone crazy and started full auto for no reason yet?
  9. Viper tech carriers have more mass & weight than inokatsu 2011 super bolt with weight. Can't cycle mine with real spring. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. my mag leaks to *suitcase* right now... Thinking it's that rubber base plate, or I screwed in the screws in an incorrect order... Or the rubber is flipped around... The good thing is, this mag is REALLY easy to work on. Probably the easiest I've seen...
  11. Any guides as to permanently make the G19 semi only???
  12. I'm thinking about getting one of these, but these american retailers are probably going to empty their Gen 1 G5's before selling G2's.
  13. how can you tell if you have an old gen G5 or a new gen G5?
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