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Bada Bing

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About Bada Bing

  • Rank
    Regular Poster

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  • Airsofter since
    1998, been a gun nut since a child
  • Most likely to say
    Bada Bing!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Airsoft, Guns, Movies and coffee

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  1. It’s so beautiful! That PDW stock made by WE too?
  2. Woah. Good job buddy, you are very welcome. Takes a little while to get it just right, the alignment and such, but truly stellar when it’s all working like an original mag. I’d love to try my hand at modifying a real 5.45 polymer magazine to fit the GHK 5.45 internals with shortened gas tubes, but I’m busy with other stuff atm.
  3. Now that’s a blast from the past! I loved Arnies End of Days build. I had a similar thing but nowhere near as good: https://arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/gallery/album/554-mp5-m203-handguard/
  4. Glorious images. Thanks for uploading, bud.
  5. Good write up, mate. I would be interested to see how this will perform as you continue to put miles on its clock. You’re very brave for giving it a go.
  6. Hey guys. Here’s another retailer that I’m pleased to add to my bookmarks. They mainly stock PTW related items, parts and accessories. I ordered a G&P WA SPR Front barrel/RAS set on Wednesday and it arrived yesterday, which is very swift considering it was coming from Germany. Although the payment process was a little long winded, what with transferring funds to their bank and all that international payment jazz. By the time they emailed me with their PayPal address it had already been paid. Lol. They maintain communication throughout and I’d be happy to order from again.
  7. Here's a selection from Urban Assault. Let's Be Cops!
  8. Hey boys and girls. Guess this would fall into the gas category? Seeing as its gas that propels the bbs rather than electricity... I recently bought this little beast from CWI having followed its development since it's initial announcement. The Classic Army M132 Microgun! As I explain in my video review, I've always wanted a Minigun but like many players I couldn't afford one. CA have stepped up to the plate with a far more affordable and accessible option. Their new Microgun is the Diet Coke of Miniguns. It's largely constructed from polymer materials and is two barrels
  9. Haha. Good effort though, mate. Yeah you could have kept the Magpul locking tab, lol. Taken a shallower cut. I didn't really have a choice with my GHK magazine. Hey ho. It's all part of the fun, right?
  10. Update: Ummm yeah. I wasn't trying hard enough to pull the guide rod out from the hop up block. Lol my bad. In my defence it's oily and tough to get a good purchase on.
  11. I'm really glad to hear you're having a positive experience and enjoyment from your VP9. So there is hope for VFC after all? In that case I must look into one.....perhaps....one day. The nozzle doesn't share the same bullet shape as the VP9, unfortunately. Surprisingly it differs from the KWA style USP nozzle, and features a single return spring built onto the mock ejector. You know something else that sucks about this handgun? It seems impossible to strip the slide down of the outer/inner barrels/recoil assembly, without taking out the 3 screws holding the BBU in place. The hopu
  12. I was as stunned by the cloned internals as you. It's crazy. Yes as you say, the VFC knocker has a very broad range of side movement, which confirms your statement. I had no idea it was as bad as it was until I played around with it, slide off/magazine inserted. Striker connecting with the valve on various points of the release button. My experience with KSC systems have been both great and poor. 2x KWA NS2 USP's in particular being under powered and inefficient as hell.
  13. I've only seen it advertised within the EU. Like the VP9 being available for at least a good 6 months in EU before it was released in Asia. In regards to it holding its hop adjustment, I'd say it does. However the stock barrel and buckings that comes with these VFC's, leave a hell of a lot to be desired. You couldn't take it to a skirmish as it is now and expect to score decent kills. Funny you mention the recoil, if you see the slo mo on my video, you'll see the outer barrel move around an awful lot when firing. This probably doesn't help the accuracy. Thing is that I've had some
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