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About Zereck

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    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 04/06/1985

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  1. hi, i got you from the usp thread and see you have bought the nova slide kit. Could you please send me a photo of the back of the replica so that i can see how the slide fits on the frame? And is there wobble on the bbu? Maybe other things you noticed?

    Thanks for your time

  2. Funny thing is my first bolt stop broke in a month or so. I bought 2 WiiTech ones then and they couldn't last a few tries. I started modelling one and bought 2 WE ones until I was done. But first one lasted at least 2 years and I only installed 2nd one a few months ago. So I tought WE fixed or at least made the bolt stop stronger.
  3. Forgot to update but I found the issue and it was my fault. I misjudged how the gas release valve works on the magazine. I put a small teflon where the o-ring is and then put the rubber on thinking it would help sealing. Well it did in a way it restricted the gas flow to a point it made the gun unable to shoot and since I did it on most of my magazines I didn't think about it at first. Oh well. Also we found out that the propane we bought was something else as even Marui guns had cooldown issues by now. It's annoying that I didn't think about it sooner I needlesly tried to repair my WE M
  4. I don't know if anyone still lurks here, but remember how I had the issue with weaker recoil and low rof? Well it's gotten worse and I think I know the issue but not how to fix it. I have over time checked everthing on the gun nozzle, bolt, trigger assembly, innert gas tank. No leaks or anything broken. However I did notice that the inner tank barely holds any gas. If I shot the gun without magazine I could only get a few shots. Then I could get only one and the other was just psssh. Now even the one is weak. It's like gas doesn't flow inside the inner tank and causes rapid shots or
  5. W&S airsoft posted this mag shell model on their FB page: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4196145?fbclid=IwAR3ocOtxomtViNa94c2_Ub5HjmQ_dlK1pd8LrVS8ucuNZkBBcLqpJ8UhF5U
  6. I played with it last weekend and it worked nicely except for one thing. 2 times that day after a magazine change my shots resulted ib gas clouds exiting at the end of the barrel and lost hop-up. At that point magazine change didn't fix it I had to readjust the hop, like I have lost FPS but it wasn't really cold(15 celsius). Weird. My ROF is still slow most of the time but sometimes it gets quicker? I noticed this after a bigger maintenance: https://imgur.com/a/IGSAXHS The auto-sear(?) was hitting the gas tank. Did this only happen to me?
  7. Sorry for the late update. I have tried multiple floating valves and spring and it would keep doing the same thing so I bought a new bolt. With it the gun finally shoots normal there are differences in the look but I think the fault was that the pin that holds the nozzle in the bolt became somewhat loose(and the hole it goes into) after hammering it in and out a lot. Similar thing happened in my WE MP7 which was showing syptoms of very fast cooldown. The bolt was leaking at the nozzle holding pin hole(even tough the pin is all the way in). Just a thing to watch out for if you take the gun
  8. I know I'm asking a lot here but I have a weird problem. The gun works fine if I'm shooting it empty but if use a loaded magazine the gun goes like this: 1. shots bb, weak recoil - 2. no bb, strong recoil - 3. shots bb, weak recoil - 4. no bb, strong recoil, etc. I checked if there is any misalignment but I couldn't find any. Tried different BBs and when I used lighter ones the recoil was still weak but it feed constantly at least. Curiously I put one BB in the chamber and shot it without magazine and it gave me the same weak recoil.
  9. If it helps WE magazines are lighter around 400g whereas the Army ones are close to 700g.
  10. I noticed that mine has slower rof and less kick even with new nozzle. When I do the nozzle check I can feel the resistance but also the air going out at the pin holding the nozzle spring. Could that be the problem? I don't have any leak otherwise.
  11. Nah. I switched those out as soon as I got it.
  12. Currently I have the issue of the gun freezing fast. You can feel the gun shooting weaker one-by-one until it just spews all the gas out. But when I checked the striker seem to work fine(the pin slightly came out but didn't seem to be bend) and the nozzle also had no visible problems. Rocket valve moves fine and the sealing is also ok, tough I changed the nozzle o-ring to a new 13.5x2 one(is that the right size?). Magazines are good too. I must be missing something. Oh also I found that for me the steel part 49# eats part of the bolt away causing it to eventually get stuck from deformatio
  13. Yeah that was actually my problem. It is further escalated by the replacement parts from Kyairsoft. The new springs are much weaker and the new trigger bar actually doesn't have it's built in spring anymore. I can't release the hammer without somehow giving the spring more pressure.
  14. I assume like other recent VFC rifles this one also has a built-in FPS adjuster in the nozzle?
  15. Finally had time do disassemble it. All parts seem fine except for the pin that holds the hammer spring in tension(part 043). It bend pretty hard at the two notches due to the pressure of the spring or so it seems.
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