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Corner Engage Device - blindfiring?


Is the use of this device morally/technically acceptable?  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the use of this device morally/technically acceptable?

    • Yes
    • No

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Sure, by definition it is not blindfiring, but that doesn't change the fact that using the CED to engage targets poses some of the same safety risks that blindfiring does. Technology does give the edge, but that is only fully applicable in real combat. We airsofters limit and regulate certain things for the safety of others (who can be either friend or foe, real combat doesn't give a ###### about your enemy's safety). The real military uses blindfiring as a tactic at times, does this mean I can to get that "edge" on the battlefield?


If you are using this item for spotting ONLY I would possibly consider it a legal tool, just like a mirror or parascope, these are unable to knock out someone's eye out (unless you REALLY mess up somehow :blink: )


Simply put if you eliminate/reduce your field of view you must eliminate/reduce your field of fire. Again this is all my personal feelings on the matter, I feel that the CED does little to nothing eliminate the dangers with blindfiring.


If you wish to use it at your site and the organizers allow it by all means go ahead. Likewise if you don't like this being used but your site allows it, either suck it up, go home or become an organizer and make your own decision.

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This doesn't really give you as much as a advantage as you think. If you are playing with airsofter that can get this kind of gear then well, Unless he is standing in a position where he cant see your rifle stick out, then he should have a grenade to toss at you, or he can try to ricksha hit you

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TBH if i thought someone was taking the ###### too much with this (camping at a corner) i would throw a couple of grenades down and follow them up quickly or if i have none just engage the rifle until they move it.


Yeah thats what i would do too, i mean ######, just shoot there gun untill i breaks! hahaha

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Im going to have to say No.  It is not necessarily blindfiring but it barely reduces the dangers involved with blindfiring.  Instead of seeing nothing you see through roughly a 1 inch hole.  I would not feel comfortable using one or others near me using one


I voted no for this very reason. It should also be pointed out the shooter may well get blind sided by a canny player if they used this in some of the very tight urban sites in the UK. I don't have a problem with a periscope as a spotting device though. :D

I once considered building a corner shot-like item (only for a low power pistol) as an item for a specific game event but quickly decided the safety & unsporting nature made it a non-starter.


Also www.periscope.com, what the *fruitcage* is that about anyway?

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With that aim device it technically isnt blindfiring.

I think that without that device and literally blindfiring is OK cos you dont stand a large chance o hitting. BUT with that round the corner mirror thingy that is kinda cheating/morally unacceptable. Becos you can aim at them but they cant at you.

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I think that without that device and literally blindfiring is OK cos you dont stand a large chance o hitting.


But the problem is, this is how you end up accidently swinging your gun around the corner into someone's face/sensitive/exposed region and ripping off a burst which can easily lead to injury

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