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Zulu-1 And the papers


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OK we have again been in the Local newspapers so be prepared for this to spread to the nationals.


This is the link to the Lincolnshire Echo:-




I also think it would be on interest to the community to note that this very forum was linked to as part of the Nocton Residents Blog, which was created to OPPOSE the planning application of Zulu-1 to hold games at the former RAF Hospital at Nocton, Lincolnshire.


Please take a while to read the full blog and see how this had progressed over the past few months.




For those that are interested it's item 5 on the agenda. There are 2 .pdf files that give all the details and have all the documentation reguarding the applications and the objections from the locals.


Read and digest at your lesiure and if you so wish.




Thoughts, reponses and ideas always welcome!

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Why did you have to pull out? You should have stuck to your guns and told them to eff off. I know I damn well would have!


On advice from our solicitor that if the planning application was declined we would be scuppered so we decided to try other options before progressing with that site if we absolutely have to! We are however exploring other possible sites in the area!

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The first blog post seems pretty balanced.


I'm not aware of the location of the site or how it is situated to other houses but I can see why people might not want Mk5s going off all afternoon right next door to them.


Have you tried canvasing local residents yourself to see if you can find people that support your use of it?

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Can't see any links to this forum, though I can see one for ASCUK - did you copy and paste this at all (considering I've just been reading it there)? :P


I find this bit disturbing:


Members of the established airsoft community I talked to agreed that trying to play war games IN a village rather than at a little distance from homes wasn't viable. The planners agree. The abusive reaction from Zulu's supporters on the Echo's website simply reinforces an adverse impression of airsoft in the minds of the public - and that's not fair on the other players, particularly if the subject of banning airsoft altogether comes up again in the political arena (I know - not likely right now - the Government is otherwise occupied)


In the torrent of obscenities, it's probably a waste of time trying to reason with the abusers ... but the more responsible airsofters should be reassured it's not the activity that was the problem - it was this particular team who hadn't a clue as to how their proposal would be received, were less than honest to interested would-be participants about various aspects of the progress of their proposal (and the site) and have nows publically and effectively damaged the reputation of their past-time - and that's a shame for the vast majority of players who just want to have fun in safety, without upsetting anyone.


So, just what sort of thing has been going on to cause this kind of upset? I'm very glad the author has taken the time to do some research into airsoft and hasn't written us all of as a result of the alleged offensive behaviour of a minority- but then I haven't seen what's been happening to cause them to be so upset about airsofters in the first place (apart from some of the abuse they're getting from some folks on ASCUK which I'm sure will work wonders for your case) - can you shed any light on this?


EDIT: Oh and by the way, if anyone's thinking of simply posting abuse about the local residents for excercising their democratic rights and having the audacity to want some kind of say in the way their local area is run, don't bother. If you can't see that you'd be as guilty of making a knee jerk reaction based on limited information as you think the locals are being (and at the same time harming the reputation of airsoft), wake up and smell the coffee.


EDIT 2: I've been doing a little browsing, but I'm sure there's a lot more to this story than I've seen so far. I don't know the exact situation, nor how much effort you've put into this application - nor do I know what sort of activities have gone on from the resident's side of things. I'm not taking sides at all, as I'm not aware of all the facts - that's why I'd rather we didn't start attacking either side ;)

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I think one of the key issues with our pastime, is explaining whats going on. If I said "We run around the woods shooting each other with guns", Some people will read that as "I'm a gun nut who likes shooting people". If Zulu-1 was setting up a paintball site, do you think he would have had the same issues?


The key thing here is the press. For years, the media have potrayed men (and women) who like to play war as either terrorists, gangsters or just plain nutjobs. For a small community like Nocton, I can see why their image of airsofters can easily be tarnished as such. Not to mention the furore over the promotional pictures that were published earlier in the year.


This makes me wonder, would airsoft be better off as a large commercial entity like paintball has become, or are we better off staying out of the limelight? Coverage is a double edged sword. If a site is seen to be promoting all the good aspects of airsoft, like the article a few years ago about the Chavs vs Goths, then we get a good reputation. But one idiot with a rif in public can do far greater damage still.


Sorry for wandering offtopic a little. Its a crying shame Nocton didn't take advantage of this for the sake of local business (I bet the pub would be filled every sunday evening). Not a million miles from me neither :(

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Actually, if you read the minutes it seems the main concern is simply additional noise and activity. The conclusion states:


In the opinion of the Council, the proposal has the potential to cause demonstrable

harm in terms of increase in noise, general disturbance and vehicular activity within

the area, to the detriment of the peaceful rural character of the area and the residential

amenities of the locality, contrary to policies C2(2), C5 and RST6 of the adopted North

Kesteven Local Plan 2007 and to Government advice contained in Planning Policy

Guidance Note 17 (Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation) and Planning

Policy Guidance Note 24 (Planning and Noise).


There's no mention of "OMG, gunzorz!!!111!!", so I don't think anyone can accuse the council of that. As paintball would cause just as much "increase in noise, general disturbance and vehicular activity" I would imagine it would stand the same sort of chance as airsoft.

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Actually, if you read the minutes it seems the main concern is simply additional noise and activity. The conclusion states:




There's no mention of "OMG, gunzorz!!!111!!", so I don't think anyone can accuse the council of that. As paintball would cause just as much "increase in noise, general disturbance and vehicular activity" I would imagine it would stand the same sort of chance as airsoft.

Fair enough. I only had time to read the article and blog I'm afraid, so it was from what I could gather there. Will take a proper read of the minutes now.


For the small sacrifice needed every other weekend of 30-40 cars on their roads for an hour or two, they missed out on attracting additional business to the area. A missed opportunity.


The angle I'm trying to get at with Paintball is that Paintball is a well known sport, and the potential misunderstanding of Airsoft may not have done zulu-1 any favours.


Edit: Just finished reading it. I can understand the complaints with regards to noise, but as mentioned, there are other local activities that create noise too. Tough call really.

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Considering the number of people opposing it compared to the one supporting it, I'd say it was a pretty easy call for the council to make. As you say it seems a shame to us, but then we don't live there.


I'm afraid it seems that whatever Zulu-1 were doing to appease and convince the residents, it simply wasn't enough to persuade them.

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Does anyone know who this mysterious team was that caused such a stink? I for one know what its like when plans come through your letter box about a new complex being bought. I live in Kirkby, Liverpool (Actually its Merseyside am not trying to be posh - how can I be am from kirkby- its the simple fact Kirkby is in knowsley not liverpool but is a part of merseyside) where there are plans to build a new football stadium for Everton Football Club, wont bore you with the detials but one of the major concerns was the crowds on match day and the noise. I for one think it would be a good idea and the house I live in is right next to it.


I sympathise with the people who did not want to have an airsoft site near them, esspecially if it ment extra noise and cars at weekends. Its a shame yes but at the end of the day if the majority of people who live there don't want it, it wont happen. Unless you have a lot fo money and can give something back to the council and residents like say a new hospital or something.


And for those wondering am a Liverpool fan.

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The truth is, as someone pointed in the comments, that some locals would be neck-deep in *suitcase* if someone - ANYONE - took over the hospital grounds, because, as you can figure out, they illegally occupied fragments of the hospital's land, not mentioning illegal dumping in that convenient place.


And I thought that this kind of *suitcase* works only in Poland - "here's a suitcase full of money, Mr Mayor sir, do anything so anyone doesn't take over the place unless we say so."

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Hmm, some of those new posts since yesterday (30th) are very interesting indeed, especially the ones about Debbie/parish council and alledged theft of private land/garden boudary increases.


I can see this whole saga turning into a very interesting thing indeed.

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I'm personally quite shocked by the level of aggression displayed in some of the replies from airsofters on the Echo website. Sure it's a badly written and poorly researched article, but a lot of the criticism seems to be levelled at the local residents rather than the reporter's ability.


The local residents don't want an airsoft site there, and the planning committee agree. Who the hell are we to act so outraged about it?

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Why do I have a nasty feeling that large-scale corruption can be involved? Like, someone put a lot of money into the magistrate's pockets to tear the hospital down and build a friggin' mall or something there. Of course nothing is said, nothing is final, but in the end, corporate presence will take over. We have seen tricks like that here, why anywhere else would be different?

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