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Monkey says: Hi everybody


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Hi I'm a monkey specialized in the art of Guerilla warfare. I'm a noble and graceful being and is currently owning a pimped out CA Aug A2 (Think max pimped Aug in Army of TWO) with lots n' lots of Prometheus stuff inside (nozzle head, cylinder head and cylinder, piston and pistonhead, MS135 spring... gears are comming). I also owna CA AR15 which I'm about to modify and sell.

I've used about all my savings on kit and weapon... and more to come.


Interests: All the regular stuff and...

Music - metal (Metallica, Slayer, Emperor, Ihsahn, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Dream Theater, In Flames, Megadeth and so on) Reggae, Blues, Rock and Panic! At the Disco (Don't know what genre their residing in).

Hobbies - Airsoft, Bicycling, Guitar, Drums, Studiotraining.


And thats basically my life story... Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did



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whats all this then? a thread with the word badger being used in four consecutive posts without his input? First things first, Don't Feed The Badger. Secondly, no-one "gets along with" him, they merely exist in an area near him for as long as is necessary. And as to him speaking, well its not so much that he talks as that he makes signs with his ears which are translated by the worlds slowest super computer into a dead language known only to the great old ones. There is one man who speaks this tongue but he lives on top of an undersea volcano and so must be hauled up on a very line string every time The Badger wishes to speak. He, unfortunately, does not speak English but only Klingon. Thankfully there is a overweight man in Boston who receives the mans translation and puts them into English, albeit with a Boston accent.


Anyway, enough about him, onto you! So you are a monkey, trained in guerrilla warfare. A deadly combination in the right hands. Or perhaps its just a pun "monkey" and "gorilla" (notably a gorilla is not a monkey but an ape, but thats not really relevant when dealing with puns and the like). Either way, your best offensive move is most likely the hurling of feces. Just remember to chrono it before a game. Your taste in music is decent, too heavy for The Badgers taste, but there's defiantly worse out there. The Badger does have to ask though, in what ways are you graceful and noble? Perhaps in the area of dance? Or maybe the cycling? (is there anything noble about cycling?). Your weapon selection is decent, even if the AUG is a girls gun :).


Now, about this 'ere forum. theres a few rules you should know about that you wont find written (excluding here of course)


rule number 1.

women on this forum are a rare and beau... okay just a rare occurrence. be nice to them for they startle easily. This means you should try to keep tales of your brimming masculinity and fearless conquering of supermodels to a minimum.


rule number 2.

the most are for the most part like hibernating bears. They look cuddly and you can get near them with little real danger, but DO NOT hug them. More than one member has been disemboweled trying.


rule number 3.

4chan as a topic is off limits. You may post "memeish" stuff but not to the same degree (AKA no rage threads, porn, mutilation, cake recipes)


rule number 4.

leave your dignity at the door. This is a forum for grown men and women who in their spare time spends thousands of dollars to dress up and shoot each other with toy guns. Don't take it too seriously. Just remember, "Internet, serious business!" and you should be fine.


rule number 5.

there is a member around here called ED-SKaR. For some reason he has a personal army of henchmen that The Badger is part of, try not to cross him. The Badger would really rather not have to throw you down an ever decreasingly narrow shaft lined with razor sharp cheese graters and lemon juice.


rule number 6.

You can't fly, no matter how high your post count.


rule number 7.

There is no rule number 6.


rule number 8.

rule number 7 is now rule number 6 and rule number 8 is now rule number 9.


rule number 9.

this is rule number 8, go back to rule number 9.


rule number 9.

wait... how did you get out of that loop? your not supposed to be here, go back to number 11 and try again.


rule number 11.

there is no rule number 10. nor will there ever be.


rule number 12.

have a great day! (make sure you follow this one, the punishment for not following is misery)


That should be about it for now, have a browse through some of the other welcome threads, there may be some things The Badger missed.


and now for something completely different!





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Anyway, enough about him, onto you! So you are a monkey, trained in guerrilla warfare. A deadly combination in the right hands. Or perhaps its just a pun "monkey" and "gorilla" (notably a gorilla is not a monkey but an ape, but thats not really relevant when dealing with puns and the like). Either way, your best offensive move is most likely the hurling of feces. Just remember to chrono it before a game. Your taste in music is decent, too heavy for The Badgers taste, but there's defiantly worse out there. The Badger does have to ask though, in what ways are you graceful and noble? Perhaps in the area of dance? Or maybe the cycling? (is there anything noble about cycling?). Your weapon selection is decent, even if the AUG is a girls gun :) .



My name is GuerillaMonkey and it's both a description of what I am and a pun of monkey and a name close to gorilla. What do you mean that there's definitively worse out there? Are you saying my music is poop? Because it isn't, you are poop.


I' m graceful when I walk. When I skirmish it's like poetry when looking at me cuz I'm totallies kewl (perhaps more kewl than most). My nobility comes to show when I give out money to everybody.


Well my AUG is certainly not a girls gun with the specs of it:

Length: 1095 mm (silencer on) 805 mm (silencer off), Weight: 8 -ish kg, Status: Awesomeness, Affectionate value: indescribable

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hey ,I've got a Joke " what did the monkey say to the badger". Hi monkey ;)



My name is GuerillaMonkey and it's both a description of what I am and a pun of monkey and a name close to gorilla. What do you mean that there's definitively worse out there? Are you saying my music is poop? Because it isn't, you are poop.


I' m graceful when I walk. When I skirmish it's like poetry when looking at me cuz I'm totallies kewl (perhaps more kewl than most). My nobility comes to show when I give out money to everybody.


Well my AUG is certainly not a girls gun with the specs of it:

Length: 1095 mm (silencer on) 805 mm (silencer off), Weight: 8 -ish kg, Status: Awesomeness, Affectionate value: indescribable


you've ruined my joke :( , among other things :rolleyes: .Cue The Badger


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Potential yes, but that is only if the Badger lets him live after calling him Poop, although does the Badger understand English...? who knows, he has stated he cannot speak it, but will he understand the recent insubordination and let the Monkey live...? we will find out upon his return...

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Panic! At the Disco (Don't know what genre their residing in). Poop. That's the genre....and I come from the birthplace of another band like P@TD...Cute Is What We Aim For. Boi Bands that didn't listen to there producers when they said "put the real instruments down, thats what we have Pro Tools for"



Metal is good...Industrial is better,reggae is good for the soul, and if you mix them all together, you get that band that I hate cause I love, Skindred.


This has nothing to do with monkeys or badgers on planes drinking champagne.....although monkeys and badgers on airplanes I guess are better than snakes...and lions and tigers and bears oh my!


I guess I should go back to lurking before I get into anymore trouble....welcome monkey...forget what you know....it's all about the Gear.... ;)



"All the monkeys and badgers...show me your lighters...."

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My name is GuerillaMonkey and it's both a description of what I am and a pun of monkey and a name close to gorilla. What do you mean that there's definitively worse out there? Are you saying my music is poop? Because it isn't, you are poop.


I' m graceful when I walk. When I skirmish it's like poetry when looking at me cuz I'm totallies kewl (perhaps more kewl than most). My nobility comes to show when I give out money to everybody.


Well my AUG is certainly not a girls gun with the specs of it:

Length: 1095 mm (silencer on) 805 mm (silencer off), Weight: 8 -ish kg, Status: Awesomeness, Affectionate value: indescribable



He understands. You found paradise in this forum. You had a good discussion, made a good rifle, the mods protected you and there were admins and you didn't need a friend like The Badger. But, now you come to him and you say "Don Badger, like my music or you are poop." But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call him The Badger. Instead, you come into his home on the day his daughter's to be married and you ask him to like bad music. Monkey. Monkey. What has The Badger ever done to make you to treat him so disrespectfully. If you had come to him in friendship then this scum that disliked your music would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest ape like yourself should make enemies then they would become his enemies. And then, they would fear you.



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No, no, you've got it all wrong The Badger. What if I, as a monkey, like poop? Haven't you seen my movies, man?

video + song... yay

I'm sorry if you felt that I disrespected you in any way Don. Tell you what, I'm gonna give you an offer you can't refuse. I'm going to give you my apology for ruining the day of your daughter's marriage, and a big internet hug for being the best Badger you can be. virtual%20hug.jpg

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