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Airsoft and Fitness


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Ive just started wondering about something. How good would airsoft be for fitness? what kinds of fitness would it encourage. I definitely think my legs are stronger and my stamina is better from running into (and away) from a firefight. Also would the adrenaline that comes with it be good for you? Any sports scientists who airsoft who can tell me? Im normally a pretty active person thats all and i was wondering if its as good as say a three mile run or similar.


Also lets just conveniently ignore all the burgers and BBQ stuff you consume shall we :D

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I was curious about this. To be honest at my last game (and also my first at an official site) I spent most of the time sneaking around, etc, so I didn't do much running. I suppose the thirty minutes spent sitting in a ditch full of bog water doesn't do much for health, but as Ubar pointed out when I moaned later, it takes a bit longer than that for trench foot to set in... :D


I keep thinking about taking up Wing Chun in Rotherham. Unfortunately, I suspect I'm one of these intellectual types who's too busy writing my novel and teaching to have the time to dedicate to it. Anyone here manage to juggle airsoft, a few rl hobbies / time intensive jobs and a martial art?

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Anyone here manage to juggle airsoft, a few rl hobbies / time intensive jobs and a martial art?


Yes. You just need a lot of coffee and motivation and no girlfriend (which was inevitably why I cut down in the end) :)


Wing chun's good fun - I used to do Dung Sai Do and capoeira at Uni. I also have a mate who does full-contact tai chi which he swears by, but then he thinks getting hurt is fun :D

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Supposedly to increase your cardio vascular capacity you need to keep your heart pumping at about 70-80% of its max bpm for a minimum of 20 mins to increase it's capability.


Personally I don't think I have been running around for 20 mins constantly on any of the skirmishes I have been to, but this could just be me being lazy :P

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Lol Swift, that or both mine and your teams were too busy sneaking around to do that...Those first attack / defend games played in the morning went nowhere fast. I could never advance beyond that tiny bush just to your left of the shed (which was on your right :( ) ...

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Lol Swift, that or both mine and your teams were too busy sneaking around to do that...Those first attack / defend games played in the morning went nowhere fast. I could never advance beyond that tiny bush just to your left of the shed (which was on your right  :(  ) ...

Yes I like that sneaking is a better word than being lazy :P

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After a big rush of Adrenalin you go on a kind of a downer, which usually makes you tired, misierable and sometimes makes you feel aggravated by anything.


Also i agree with Swift Vengeance about the cardiovascular thing, although running about for abit will help keep you fit, just the odd dash now and again wont do much..... you'd have to play everyday for it to have a big effect (which i'm sure we all wouldnt mind :) )


But saying that your legs dont half bloody ache after crouching god knows how many times in a game :)



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After a big rush of Adrenalin you go on a kind of a downer, which usually makes you tired, misierable and sometimes makes you feel aggravated by anything.


Also i agree with Swift Vengeance about the cardiovascular thing, although running about for abit will help keep you fit, just the odd dash now and again wont do much..... you'd have to play everyday for it to have a big effect (which i'm sure we all wouldnt mind  :) )


But saying that your legs dont half bloody ache after crouching god knows how many times in a game :)



Yeah a bit of lactic acid in the legs feels great in the morning! Nothing better than trying to motivate yourself to go running when u ache all over <_<


Although a lot of fitness is in the head. Just because your brain is telling you to stop your body can go on for a lot longer.

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i think, if you do milsim airsoft, then that would definately be better fo ryou.

okay, its not real miltary, and you wont have had the back up of years of training that real military wouldve done [unless youre from real military that is] but it does make the whole exercise that much more than a standard sunday skirmish and that i believe, if done on a regular basis, may help in some way.

i dont do it often, but i find that i feel alot better for having been thru that experience at a milsim game than i do coming back from a sunday skirmish..

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Well I might be doing Berget this year with Ubar (fingers crossed anyway). We've manage to insinuate our way into the non public serbian guerilla team - so not only will we have the 4 days of running around like all the UN players, but we'll also most likely find ourselves having to constantly sprint here and there in order to launch surprise ambushes, etc...


Still, to a squaddie like Swift I'm sure it'd be childsplay.. ^_^

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surely its good for you carrying weights for a long period of time? A set of webbing with a couple of fully bombed mags and a waterbottle is extra weight, so won't that increase the amount of calories burnt?

Yeah i'm sure it does but i'm 22 and my knees are already shot from being in the army running with weight increases the amount of pressure put on your joints when running so all in all it's not good for you.


Well I'm doing Berget this year with Ubar (fingers crossed anyway). We've manage to insinuate our way into the non public serbian guerilla team - so not only will we have the 4 days of running around like all the UN players, but we'll also most likely find ourselves having to constantly sprint here and there in order to launch surprise ambushes, etc...


Still, to a squaddie like Swift I'm sure it'd be childsplay.. ^_^

Lol no it doesn't get any easier ya just complain more the longer you've been a squaddie ;)


When is this Berget? I watched there video from the last one and it looked quite cool. Maybe if time permits me and f0xm4n could get over there with ya.

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I'm only 22 too Swift - don't want to knacker my joints up really...:(


Berget's 16-19th of June in Sundsvall, Sweden. Huge 4-day mil-sim, story seems to orientate around the naughty bosnian-serb guerillas and the UN regiments posted around two Bosnian village to protect the inhabitants (who are apparrently all LARPers. Should be a good laugh - some 500 or so people playing, though it's accurate with vehicles etc so the numbers are heavily in the UN's favour, so surprise attacks I suspect will be the order of the day, hence all the running around...


Downside is I don't know if there's any spaces left or not. Guess you could both put yourselves down on waiting list if you were interested. Won't you be over in Iraq by then getting shot at - I mean keeping the peace? :rolleyes:

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I'm only 22 too Swift - don't want to knacker my joints up really...:(


Downside is I don't know if there's any spaces left or not. Guess you could both put yourselves down on waiting list if you were interested. Won't you be over in Iraq by then getting shot at  - I mean keeping the peace?  :rolleyes:

I'm not to sure possibly, I go onto the army's high readiness armoured battalion in June and something is going on in Iraq at that time, so more than likely....


The rest of the year is just to hectic to try and predict anything, downside of getting paid 24hrs a day 365 days a yr they got my *albatross* when and where they need it heheh


Recommend if you are carrying a fair bit of kit at skirmishes either get some tubi-grip or proper knee supports. Prevention is better than cure. But I think you will be alright. My average weight I carry is about 55lbs, or 120lbs while I was in Kossovo! but I doubt you will be getting anywhere near them weights in airsoft and if you are there is something seriously wrong!

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Ubar, what webbing is that? I got mine in today finally and it doenst have the padding on the belt.


german previous issue standard (doesnt have the horizontal straps on the yoke like the newer issue) with a third party padded belt support ( http://armee-center.de/catalog/product_inf...oducts_id=27037 ), helps stabilize the whole setup and makes it oh so comfy :)

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Whether or not you do a lot of running, just spending the day outside, walking, with your heart-beat at a decent rate is very good excercise.


When you're a kid (anything up to about 20) you just do stuff without thinking. Going to visit a mates house which is a mile away? You walk. No biggie.

When you get old and crotchety (like me) you find yourself driving to the corner shop, watching TV a lot and generally being lazy. I regularly pay a taxi to bring a pizza from the shop down the street to my house.


To be honest, I'm not that bad. I have a dog which I walk a couple of miles a day and I like to hike and camp in summer.

Airsoft is definately the method AND the reason I keep fit though.

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