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WOW!!!! Oze My Gode, I hope these really am airsoft....


Oh no, wait, I and two other people have ALREADY pointed out they're PFC model guns!!!


Calm down dears, they're only model guns....



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Unfortunately, Snowman and Co. are correct. G&G sent me confirmation of this. Dammit!!!! We can all hope can't we?


Thanks for the 1337 skills and dream ruining abilities of everyone who pointed out that they were model guns! J/K!! ;)



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i'm sorry, but this might be the funniest thread I've ever read on arnie's. "runs to find gold chains" "chomps on cigar" "humming the theme song" hahahahahaha "congratulations, you've made the thread needlessly wide" hahahahaha...you british people are hilarious!

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