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About Spedz

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/01/1987

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    The internut's and mmopuguhs.

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  1. nice golgo 13 character. Also nice TM Revolver.
  2. Just to slate my curiosity Whose Leonard?
  3. It fires 3 bb's from 3 sperate inner barrels IIRC.
  4. To put it blunt, yeah. The fact that babybackribs can has the audacity to ostracize and entire country from his own stupidity really got on my somewhat frayed nerves.
  5. Doesn't matter what say, I mean our liberal, progessive, faggy idea's. Will change the fact what he's done is Sutpid & Illegal in his great country of his. Also just totally disregard the his personal profile picture the depicts the Obama Regime to the SS (Obviously the Pro Hitler Ss not the Pre Hitler SS).
  6. TLDR. I presume it's something about being butt hurt about us telling the truth and bawwwing about him being an idiot? Oh and for just for the sake off actually saving your bacon for you. Here's pretty much a lowdown of each states laws on window tinting.Just in case you decide to cross the (state) boarder and get butt *fruitcage*ed from your own ignorance, you know 6 cops = Well planned survey. [edit]If I have red this right you're only allowed 35%, HAHAHAHA OH WOW CONGRATULATIONS!
  7. I dunno why but you remind me of this guy.
  8. Spedz

    I'd agree but the mods have thought otherwise. D :

  9. Samm

    There's nothing wrong with that!

  10. Goddamn. That's messed up, thanks for the heads up.
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