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America you've had your fun!


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See, ladies and gentlemen? The liberal has backed off of his claim.


You dumbass, I haven't backed off anything. You still haven't proven that he is smart, so you're dropping your own claim. Something I'd expect from a South Carolina hick.


Go spew youre conservative bs somewhere else, like airsoftplayers.com, you'll fit in.

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Cause you think like him, and youre a dumbass, therefore Bush must be a dumbass like you. Point proven, thank you, I'm moving to Britain. Where they got real football and real beer.


Bush supports big government. I thought you conservatives were against that? He got us into a war we didn't need, gotten many good young men and women killed that could be doing something else, like fighting al Qaeda. And not hte ones that poured into Iraq after March 2003. He thinks the world is a western town and he is the sherriff, its god damned insane.

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While conservatives do not support a big government, people like President Bush are not afraid to increase the size of the government when it needs it. The United States needs multiple resources to combat domestic and foreign terrorism, and one of those resources happens to be manpower.


While al Qaeda attacked the United States of America in September, 2001, we must remember that we should learn something everytime we are set back. That day, we learned that we can't sit back and wait for people to act on us. Rather, we must act on them before they get the oppurtunity to attack Americans and American interests, here and abroad. It's suprising to see that there are indeed people here that lesson. Our goal is not to attack the members of al Qaeda alone. No, our goal to combat terrorism and spread freedom. Our scope is not limited to al Qaeda alone. Furthermore, I recall President Bush declaring a war on terrorism and not just al Qaeda.


You concluded that I am a "hick", however, this is an incorrect conclusion, and I wonder how you reached it. Could you please explain?


Also, where's that study that links articulation to mental capacity?

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Dude, ok, declared war on terrorism. Ok, so why haven't we invaded Columbia yet? Or Saudi Arabia. What about Northern Spain? You know all we are doing now is creatign terrorist havens and breeding grounds for the future. When a child sees his father gunned down by an american soldier in his own home for doing nothing wrong, you think he's gonna run aorund saying "USA number one" ?


Hell no. You gotta combat the roots of terrorism. If you get a roach infestation you your house, you can kill them, but they will comeback. You gotta keep it clean, get that trash off the floor, get rid of those beer bottles and cans of Skoal. Now, does this imagry of your trailer help any bit?

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Your suggestion of splitting up the United States military into several different bodies to combat terrorism around the globe all at once would definately not work. It's better to concentrate the bulk of our military into a few specific places instead.


We aren't creating "terrorist havens and breeding grounds for the future," contrary to your beliefs. We are creating major dents in terrorist efforts. Why do you think terrorists are fighting so hard in Iraq? It's because they know that a free and democratic Iraq will serve as a major roadblock to their plans. Ultimately, terrorism will be discouraged by this.


Just a few days ago, Lt. General David Petraeus noted that the top terrorist in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is running out of locations to base operations from.


I live in a trailer? "That's news to me."

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well how bout the fact that he has taken cocain said it's ok for HIM to take it then expands to say if any one else takes it it's not ok and they shall be pundished severely ????? How bout that? if any was smart enough they'd leave cocain..... period , then they wouldn't confess to people about there past and thirdly you do you really want an presidant who wants to be an emporer?

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There is no credible evidence that President Bush ever used cocaine. Claims that he did use the substance place the charge at several different time periods. Some claims state that he used it in the sixties and seventies. Other claims state that he used it in the late eighties and early nineties. As you can see, the claims are far from consistent.


President Bush doesn't want to be an emporer. Where did you get that notion?


Phoenix, the military focus for the bulk of our troops is with Iraq. Furthermore, that isn't your point. You suggested that we split our military up and invade Spain, Colombia and Saudi Arabia.


North Korea probably does have nuclear weapons, but invading them might cause unintended consequences -- severe consequences. Situations like that are best approached with careful diplomacy, though the use of military force is always an option.

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like all empires they only way to sustain itself is to well expand look at the british empire it had 1/3 of the world why because it need to expand or otherwise it would crumble its own wheight and thats what happened same like the roman empire and all the other empires over time every one knows that america one of the biggest countries haven't actually had an empire yet thus my conclusion of aiming iraq as it was a relatively weak country compaired to iran and south korea !!!!

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If you're so gung ho about fighting terrorists Peyton, why don't you join the army or the marines and fight for it yourself instead of sending others to do it?


The only thing Iraq had when President Bush invaded was oil, the insurgents/terrorists came afterwards, kind of like dumping garbage in the street and not expecting cockroaches and rats to show up, more like a self-fulfilling prophecy than anything else..


If Bush is trying to create an empire he's not doing a very good job, it looks like he's trying to create a theocracy.. much like the monarchs of Europe used religion to validate their actions - see Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, persecution of religious minorities, countless wars, etc... Religion and politics don't mix... Not to mention he's using a book written by a Jewish author in Israel as a guide to middle east policy.. That's totally beside the fact that the Arabs have been trying to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel from the face of the earth since 1948




cocaine or not, Bush is still a moron

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Spedz, that doesn't make sense.


Destrukto, I currently have no plans to join the armed forces. However, if you agree with fighting crime, why don't you join the police force? If you believe families should be saved from fire, why don't you join the fire department? In the end, that argument kills itself.


Unlike North Korea's leader, Destrukto, Saddam Hussein's record proves that he is not afraid to perform actions which threaten the stability of his regime, and he also has a record if miscalculating foreign reactions to his actions. Take the Persian Gulf War for example. After gaining support from the United States years earlier, he thought that the United States would tolerate hostile action against one of its allies. He also seemed to like the idea of assassinating President George H. W. Bush, a move which would ultimately end up with his regime powerless.


President George W. Bush is in no way attempting to create an empire. Why does the United States need one, again? It doesn't make any sort of sense to me.

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