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I'll try not to let this turn into a "WHat am bestest gun 4 me?" but heres the story.


I've been to a few skirmishes, tried out about 6 differan't types of AEGs but what reallys suits me is a bolt-action. However, I like to stay close to the action. Doing so, I usually get 2 or 3 kills. In defence, slightly more. Ok, to the point. Most people are recommended to get an AEG for their first airsoft marker (personally I already have a m190) but do you think I should risk getting a bolt-action?


Thanks in advance

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Well normaly people go for an AEG first becuase they havnt tried anything and just want to play.


If you have tried several guns and feel that a bolt action is more suited to you, then get a bolt action.


at the end of the day its your choice, if you feel further down the line you dont get on with it, you can always sell it, and a bolt action dont cost alot of money if you keep them stock so it wont be to much of an expensive mistake.

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I went from chairsofter with having a ca870 full stock and red dot site, with a g27 as a firearm, to having a gspec with a choice of sidearms (best being p99 nbb). I was happy, but there were just those times when I thought "dang, no team mates, no cover and 3 enemies to hit, and after the first shot I'm doomed!". I got an mp5sd2, sure its "easier" to run around shooting people on full auto, but it really detracts from a sense of skill and purpose that comes with honing your skills with a bolt action. Full auto for fun. Bolt actions for the sense of achievement.

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I reckon it depends on your local site as much as anything.


If there's uneven ground with heavy foliage (tree branches hanging down and vegetation on the floor) then you can be the best sniper in the world and you simply won't do any good at all.

It's easy to overlook this in the middle of winter when all the trees are bare and the plants have died right back.


For sniping you NEED clear fields of fire which the opfor cannot just bypass or work their way around.


The main reason, as already said. most people get an AEG is simply that it puts them in the thick of the action and gives them a tool that they feel is capable of giving as good as it gets.


Must admit, I never bothered with a boltie for years because the whole crawing-around-in-the-dirt-wearing-a-ghillie-suit thing didn't really appeal.

However, I've been a real-steel rifle and shotgun shooter for years and, after finally buying an airsoft boltie, I gotta say that I feel very comfortable using it. I simply don't bother with the crawling or the ghillie suit. I just pick a spot and take a few shots then move to another spot.

I know this sounds cheesy as hell but it feels like putting on an old pair of shoes or finding an old record that you forgot about. Shooting people with my L96 is just the same as shooting foxes and bunnies with a pukka rifle. You don't have to worry about the tactical stuff that ties you up with an AEG.


I must admit, I wouldn't have a boltie instead of an AEG. An accurate, 1J AEG will be more use to you 90% of the time compared to a decent boltie. A boltie makes a refreshing change if you get bored of charging about with the other sheep though. ;)

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As Stealth said, depends heavily on both the site you play at and your style of play.


I bought a VSR-10 G-Spec not for the whole rolling around in a ghille suit, I specifically bought that rifle because its quiet, the one thing I really detest about AEGs is the racket they make lol, you shoot one person on their own and all their buddies know where to look instantly.


So now I tag along with some AEGers, when they engage I sneak round the flank and quite happily pick people off at random without the gearbox sign "Over Here!!" next to my face :) If they ever do find out where you are though it often gets rather painful lol, everyone likes killing a "sniper" (anyone with a scope on)


But thats very specific to the site (and normally the time of year unfortunately).

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There's not much of a difference in performance between Bolt Action and AEG's aside from Boltie's being quieter, it's just the mind set of being sniper that comes with the Boltie. And I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but I'm thinking you like the mindset right?

If so, heres my suggestion:

Get an AEG platform, most likely some form of Armalite or a G36, add a scope, bipod, silencer, a tighbore and an upgraded spring, among other upgrades. And WHAM, there you have it! A semi-auto sniper for crawling around in the dirt, and a Full auto man-beast for when you need to kick some serious *beep*.

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I have an M14 for winter when there is very little foliage, and I can still "snipe" people if necessary with my ghillie. But I recently bought a G-Spec, and I LOVE IT. But I can do the same thing with my M14 that I do with my G-Spec, but I just get so much more satisfaction the other way around.

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I think this is because you have a disadvantage, with a gspec, you know that you cant just pull the trigger again to get another shot off, but wait to see if the oponent notices the shot you first took, deciding whether you can move to re-cock the rifle and such, with these factors it makes you feel better when you get a hit, knowing that you did it with some skill.

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I think this is because you have a disadvantage, with a gspec, you know that you cant just pull the trigger again to get another shot off, but wait to see if the oponent notices the shot you first took, deciding whether you can move to re-cock the rifle and such, with these factors it makes you feel better when you get a hit, knowing that you did it with some skill.


Nicely said.


Using an AEG is multirole and makes things easier up close or if you screw up. However, many slip up and just become assualt players as it's too easy to flick to automatic.


I suggest you stick your neck out and get a bolt action or you'll just regret it when the noise of your motor gives you away. (Although the M14 is pretty quiet).


Buy a VSR G-SPEC for a first ever bolt action, is my opinion ;)

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