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Action Micro GALIL at WGC


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But that is an awful price for an aluminum Kalashnikov. Making those few unique parts isn't THAT innovative either. Sure, great that someone does small batches of rare guns, but it isn't wrong to disagree with the value you get for your price for one.

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I'd still rather buy from TSI Armories. TSI's use many real steel parts, have machined steel components, and are made to your specs. Plus, TSI's have the correct trademarks.



Some of us are poor ^^

But that kind of attitude makes it harder and harder for the innovative companies to produce new products. Every time a new clone comes out that's potentially less money for the originator of that replica. Less profit means less money that can be injected into new products. Eventually, the reputable and innovative companies will stop making cool new products and then the cloners will have less to clone. One might say that the cloners will step up to the plate and start innovating their own products, but copying another's work and devising your own unique product are two totally separate things. That is by definition a parasitic relationship. They keep feeding off another entity until their food source is all gone and there's nothing left to steal.



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I'd still rather buy from TSI Armories. TSI's use many real steel parts, have machined steel components, and are made to your specs. Plus, TSI's have the correct trademarks.




But that kind of attitude makes it harder and harder for the innovative companies to produce new products. Every time a new clone comes out that's potentially less money for the originator of that replica. Less profit means less money that can be injected into new products. Eventually, the reputable and innovative companies will stop making cool new products and then the cloners will have less to clone. One might say that the cloners will step up to the plate and start innovating their own products, but copying another's work and devising your own unique product are two totally separate things. That is by definition a parasitic relationship. They keep feeding off another entity until their food source is all gone and there's nothing left to steal.



I am sigging that right there USMC because you are right on the money but no one wants to see it or believe it. We have a bunch of self serving people only interested in what they can get their hands on right now. Forget the days of saving up for a replica that you really wanted. Now, its all about snatching up anything and everything. Instant gratification, go figure, the staple of the current generation...


I do believe the price on this particular kit is too high for the above stated reasons, its aluminum instead of steel and its not all that unique. I do tend to look at these things objectively and i have and would buy a 900 dollar guy if the value for the dollar was there. In this case i do not believe it is there.


Having said that, for all of the "poor" people on these forums, get the hell off and go get a better job or work harder. You're lucky that you have hobbies. Most third world residents have such joyous hobbies as dying from malaria and working until they drop dead. Do yourself and the world a favor and grow up a bit.

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It really winds me up when people like you ask for clones as soon as some enterprising company has spent time and effort releasing something to market


When you understand that you can buy a real Galil (or rather a Century Arms knockoff) $60 less than the airsoft gun, it shouldn't wind you up.

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What's that got to do with anything? We're not talking RS, this is airsoft. There's loads of RS weapons that are cheaper than their airsoft copies. I dare say in some parts of the world you can pick up a RS AK47 for less than a CYMA costs.

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When you understand that you can buy a real Galil (or rather a Century Arms knockoff) $60 less than the airsoft gun, it shouldn't wind you up.


I agree and disagree with that.


While it is true that real steel guns by and large exceed the quality of most airsoft guns they are two totally separate beasts. Just because an airsoft gun looks like a real gun doesnt mean its going to cost the same. You have to factor in the cost of the internals which are significantly more complicated than most firearms.


Then again, the real ones are made out of better materials on cnc machines (for the most part) and they are far more precise than any airsoft gun (for the most part).


So again, i agree and disagree but this comes back to my earliest post. What you are getting with this kit is not worth the price tag.

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till there is another available. i beg to differ mr Magsz...


its called market control, atm, they have it, and can charge what they wish.

Not entirely true, Bella. TSI Armories make a Micro Galil for only $40 more, feature real steel parts (stock, and handguard), machined steel parts, excellent internals, correct stampings, and when I bought it at the introductory price ($750-ish) a lot cheaper.

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till there is another available. i beg to differ mr Magsz...


its called market control, atm, they have it, and can charge what they wish.


I understand that and im not disagreeing with you. All that im saying is that its NOT worth the price...


People wet themselves over PTW's because its the Ferrari complex. Its expensive so its gotta be good right!?!?!? Right!?!?!

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either way I think it's still a bit too expensive. 700 ish, like TSI in the beginning, ok. but this is nuts.

$700+ was the introductory price. If you didn't get in on that early on you're stuck with the $900+ price or somewhere between $700-900 when their Galils start going to distributors/retailers.


I got in at the ground level so ZING! Big savings!!! ^_^

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USCMcorps: aw, you can read profiles, good for you love ;)

??? :huh: ... was it supposed to be a secret?


At one point I wondered where you went to when I came across your new user name. I wasn't trying to call you out, simply to me you will always be Belladonna. No malice intended. ;)

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yay....glad to see someone els that believes in quality



you've got to be kidding...


airsoft guns are TOYS they shouldn't cost anywhere near what a RS semi-auto rifle should cost. *fruitcage* that. clones shoot as well if not better than whatever the 'real deal' airsoft replica is. i just can't get over why people think that spending beacoup bucks translates into a better weapon...they're just toys and it's the skill of the airsofter that makes the game.


fyi, ICS plans to make a Galil in the very near future. as a matter of fact, this site has featured this very story extensively some weeks ago. you can bet the ICS will be nowhere near the price of this gun.


airsoft gun internals have a very finite set of parameters and are extremely easy to repair and upgrade. this depends on how much money you are willing to spend and how comfortable you are with repairing your own gun. trust me...airsoft internal repairs is not rocket science. this reason alone should make you reconsider buying a replica gun for $1000.




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ICS's Galil AR actually looks better in my opinion. Still, TSI is number one when it comes to Galil. Any of you TSI owners planning on reviewing or posting pics of them? (Galil's would go in the AK picture thread right? I think they're to AKs as SR47s are to ARs)

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this reason alone should make you reconsider buying a replica gun for $1000.


...and correct me if I'm wrong - but doesn't this KIT not even come with internals? So, aren't you paying close to $1000 for just a body kit? For that kind of money I'd at least expect top of the line Systema internals or something... and even then its still stupid money to spend on a toy gun.

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$700+ was the introductory price. If you didn't get in on that early on you're stuck with the $900+ price or somewhere between $700-900 when their Galils start going to distributors/retailers.


I got in at the ground level so ZING! Big savings!!! ^_^


Well, if they were selling them like sweet pie, It's obvious the got more expensive. And that's why I don(t see why other brands try and sell theirs at the same or higher price.

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