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New stuff at Rsov.com


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im pretty sure its because of the T I B E T thing, the chi ne se firewall has been screwed to more tight these days, so it affect all traffic go inside and out, thats why i keep my websites in the foreign country servers because its *suitcasey* like that.

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Don't see the point of it myself. Seen the HFC FMV w/ select fire for around $85-ish + shipping. Tack on RSOV's shipping to the clone-of-clone & a person can get the HFC for the same price or possibly even cheaper.

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im pretty sure its because of the T I B E T thing, the chi ne se firewall has been screwed to more tight these days, so it affect all traffic go inside and out, thats why i keep my websites in the foreign country servers because its *suitcasey* like that.


Wow, that is scary how you have to space the words out like that.


But yeah, I thought I had a virus in my comp from watching... nevermind... :D... in the past weeks because the site was loading so slow.

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I agree the sites so slow..its almost not worth going on it. its been taking a good 5mins to load the site up fully. It also seems to be taking longer for them to process orders..I had my order in for a week and its still not shipped yet. In the past things have gone out with 24 hours.

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Right now (with videos loading in the background) I getting:


---------- ---------- ----------

--- Internet Scan Average (upd: @ 06 04 08 03:00)---

Download :: 4002 Kbps or 4 Mbps (489 kB/s)

Upload :: 505 Kbps or 0.5 Mbps (62 kB/s)


--- Under Current Load ---

Download :: 3658 Kbps or 3.66 Mbps (447 kB/s)

Upload :: 444 Kbps or 0.4 Mbps (54 kB/s)


--- To Target Server (http://www.rsov.com/ @ 11 04 07 02:25) ---

Download :: 1577 Kbps or 1.58 Mbps (193 kB/s)

Upload :: ERR or ERR (0 kB/s)


--- To Target Server (http://www.gunnerairsoft.com/catalog/ @ 11 04 07 02:27) ---

Download :: 1869 Kbps or 1.87 Mbps (228 kB/s)

Upload :: ERR or ERR (0 kB/s)

---------- ---------- ----------


I wonder if that firewall has selective love of Gunner or something. I usually average 4mb per second (That is if I am reading this right) most of the time. Both Gunner and RSOV look to be about the same at 2mb per second. I don't get why Gunner loads so much faster for me than RSOV.


What ever it is, I look forward to looking these over.

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