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Madbull Chronograph Version 2


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Uh, does it really matter what type of cable it is, as long's it charges? Cmon people. It only makes it more convenient for those with USB chargers. Don't have one? Recharge from your comp, or just stick in fresh batteries.




well that's just too bad. ^_^

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Why do you need data transfer to your PC?

If you want statistics, write down the results and create an Excel sheet. -_-


How could you capture on a pad and paper all the data for a full auto burst getting every shot fps/ms/joule and time between shots? :P Besides I'm lazy I can't be bothered writing out 20 lines then inputting them into my computer ;) If there's a lead that plugs into my computer I'm going to expect it to pipe data down as well as charge up the battery.


Sure it's a nice to charge off a computer and for some it'd be somewhat handy but to me it looks like they wanted to pipe data out the chrono but then decided it was too much effort/cost to put in resulting in this "feature".

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errr, i just don't get it.


the Madbull chrono was already a cracking bit of kit and the battery lasts for ages, probably 6 months at least. Why complicate something that is already very good, obviously up the price as rechargabe batteries and the lead are more expensive then not put in a feature of data transfer that would warrant an upgrade.


The black is also harder to see, so although it looks gucci and cool, as far as function goes it's worse.

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