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A&K LR300


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I believe JG is more or less there at the moment. The last 3 guns from them I have used (G3, G36, & 552) needed no messing to skirmish with.


I am also well impressed with the M249 from A&K so will probably give this a chance when it's released in the UK.


my friend owns their sig, and i have owned the m249, great guns no doubt about it. however the sig has a 100ish hicap that comes with and its really really hard to get spare mags. and so eventually they will release mags for it in high numbers he hopes.

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The LR-300 isn't a bad little weapon. It is weird however that for a clone company they're gonna charge a bit for it.


I have a feeling this will be due to the materials being used on the body, besides its a new design for a clone, the only other LR300 on the market (that isn't custom) is the G&G and its 400USD.



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I have a feeling this will be due to the materials being used on the body, besides its a new design for a clone, the only other LR300 on the market (that isn't custom) is the G&G and its 400USD.




New design for a clone?


Im not sure i follow.

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I can't see how it requires any more work to clone an LR300 than a FAMAS, for example. Of course if they're charging more because the original they're cloning costs more - even though it's just another armalite clone at the end of the day - that seems a bit rude somehow. Still, their product, so they can charge what they like.

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im just afraid someday the clones will cost about 40 dollars less then the highend, and again we would be in square one.


I don't think we have to worry about that too much, simply because the clone customer base is the people who DON'T want to spend that much money. If they get much higher in price than they are now, I think their profits will go down. In my opinion, they've just about speared the point where volume and price get them the most profit, but hey, I could be wrong! (Although I sure hope not...)

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maybe it will be like gas prices in the US, go up, go down alittle, and grab you around the boys and rocket up.....and then come back down, and repeat <_<


but honestly i think your right much higher they loose profits and right now i think its not bad...granted its still alittle high for a couple guns cough m249 cough cough

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As far as I know, only G&G made the full LR300 AEG. Prime made a fancy-shmancy kit for the LR300, but that required a donor gearbox.


A while back there were some tantalizing photos of a cloned body kit for the LR300. These photographs were the only thing to ever materialize, until the arrival of this A&K LR300.


As far as I am aware, the A&K is the only LR300 ACM clone out on the market today.

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