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ACM Galil Conversion Kit?


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Maybe it's the Hexagon Productions kit that was canceled recently, but with a new surface treatment?

Cause that was steel, supposed to be in the same price range, and had similar looking wood.

Looks pretty good, and the price isn't bad either :)

I've seen better wood, but the new KA wood foregrips are sold separately now.

I'm no Galil expert, but it looks pretty correct to me, as far as airsoft-correctness go (ie: there are a lot of worse replicas out there)


Any Galil-fans out there who want to rant on about all that's wrong about this, if there is anything at all?

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Well some of the criticism I remember when this came out was the angle of the stock, and a quick google-search confirms that.



Also, surprisingly, the kinda fugly wood on the chinese kit looks more correct too, even though I like the darker wood on the KA and Ino better personally.

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