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Dboys Colt M4 metal body


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Then youll have to wait for Dboys to release their CQBR (wich might include a KAC suppressor too), wich will probably be a VFC clone, like their HK416, too. Its amazing how cheap full metal clone guns have gotten, I wanted to buy a MB for a friends TM M4 and realized buying a whole gun wasnt much more expensive.


EB has it in now. Maybe its just the flash, but the engravings dont seem to deep, almost hard to read, just like the M16A4. Anyone has one of those and can tell us if their as bad in reality?



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Man these new type DBoys metal bodies oddly enough are some of the nicest bodies i've ever put together. Nothing needed fitting or grinding, the finish is unique as it's a bit roughly textured and has this attractive dark grey look to it. I've put together various metal body kits in my time CA, G&P, HurricanE, Guarder and the DBoys is the only metal kit that built me a complete gun without any fitting of any kind what so ever. My Star, G&P and VFC magazines all fit perfectly as well. The mechbox, other brand parts just went right in with zero issues, The over all gun I built was rock solid and hefty. I highly reccomend them for such a cheap body. Only downside is the cheap dust cover flap and the mag catch.

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The (relatively) new M16A4 from Dboys has that type of nice engraved body. Would be a good start for a USMC loadout. Just judging from the other Dboys guns on ebaybanned, the M16A4 is the only one to have the engraved body. The RAS II, HK416 and M933 (?) all appear to have the traditional painted on trades.

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That design is defo a VFC 416 copy. it will however take any regular V2 gearbox. it doesnt need a VFC type. the only difference is the little catch and that will be available separately.

these type of receivers are already in use with the new range of Kalash Armalites. the bolt itself looks very nice and is surprisingly more realistic looking than most of the high end manufacturers ones.

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If its the same one i'm thinking of its already out.




No mention of a silencer tho.

Nope, I mean a CQB/R, like the ones SEALs use: Colt M4 body, LMT rear sight, one point sling, 13.3 or 13,5 (dont know/dont care as much ) barrel, etc.

But seeing that they just released the 416, the KAC you linked to and the Colt M4 body, Im sure itll be available very soon. This week, maybe next?

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