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Gas Powered M1014


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There is one important problem i see with this and thats the TM and clone shotguns are all fixed together by the machine box. all the external parts are attached to this as well. once you remove the m1014s mechanism the rest of the gun will fall apart.



I have wanted to convert the machine box to gas semi auto for some time. It would require re-cutting the action bars and seperating them from the pump, finding a semi auto gas mechanism to go inside it, attaching it to the action bars and making a tri-nozzel for it. all in all fairly simple but far to fiddly for my skills and tools.








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danny hit that nail pretty strait.


if i could get my hands on an old m1100 defender i would replicate it in every wannabe semi auto shottie available.


as for the source of my snarky hint, i wouldnt mind a shell ejector.


you know? i have designs for extremely realistic shotguns, but i have no money to buy the equipment or materials to make them. have you ever felt held back like that?

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from that japanese guy?


i want a spas 12. are the internals just a strait swap from a maruzen m1100 or do they replicate the system with their own parts?


i am surprised that the spas 12 is only like $850.

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danny hit that nail pretty strait.


if i could get my hands on an old m1100 defender i would replicate it in every wannabe semi auto shottie available.


as for the source of my snarky hint, i wouldnt mind a shell ejector.


you know? i have designs for extremely realistic shotguns, but i have no money to buy the equipment or materials to make them. have you ever felt held back like that?



I know exactly what that feals like, i have a design in my head for the perfect(IMO) airsoft shotgun. It dosent ejects casings so its more scirmish worthy and yet it still shoots multiple shots, feeds from gas (probably external CO2, but conventional gasses are plausable)


Your AEG dosent eject casings does it? your GBB handguns that you call realistic dont spit out 9mm brass do they? what is the obsession with shotguns doing the same!!! it annoys me muchly. every handgun, subgun and rifle that uses casings or whatever is considered complete rubbish and only for colectors so why does everyone want it in shotguns!!! (angry ED-SKaR smilie wanted)


Plus the shotgun "shell" ejection systems are hoplesly prone to jamming.

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Use more powerful gas to avoid system jams, and also, fit a shell collecting bag over the ejection port?




Both of which make it less skirmishable. Higher power = not good for CQB. Shell bag = More stovepiping, more weight and bulk = not good for anything.

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Here's a link to Yuji gun's custom shotties




Anyone have a video of one of those semiautos shooting?


a few of the links on the page are of videos. they have a spas video and a couple of the M1014. im surer theres on there for the M3 S90(semi auto aswell) as i remember watching one.


i don't have an obsession for shell ejection, but i think of collecting more often then scrimmaging. you have a greater chance of scrimmageability with self contained gas an BB shells than you would with an internal gas system. that way, the shotgun itself isn't under any stress other than loading shells and you can design the shells to fire at any velocity with a plethora os different projectile options.


however, i am happy with my chinese 6mm M500.

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I owned an M1100 for a while, jammed all the time off of green gas. I swapped it over to my externally reged CO2 ran it at 70 PSI and it never jammed, also shot like a dream with the increased power.


did you leave the internals standard?


im rather interested in this!


sorry for off topicness ;) PM me if you could please :)


edit: also, upping the power doesnt necessarily stop jams, i run my M1100 on green, its been upgraded by clarence lei, and it still jams...


edit 2: the videos on the yuji site show them not jamming, but they are dry-firing (using empty shells), mine doesnt jam when fired like this either.

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edit: also, upping the power doesnt necessarily stop jams, i run my M1100 on green, its been upgraded by clarence lei, and it still jams...


Please post this in the Clarence Lai thread... Please? I'll love you forever ;):o:bleh:




Also, doesn't that mean it's something to do with the HOP assembly, if it only jams while actually firing?



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not sure on the jamming, you get the odd bb in the chamber sometimes after a shot, its been mentioned before somewhere, cant recall now.


the hop is fixed though, i might make it adjustable, if i can be bothered though. 400fps and a single bb? stingy. singles just go skyward now, at about 35 feet.


basically, its justa bad design, and i bought it knowing this, but i just had to have it. when it works, its effing ace, looks the shizz and all that. but i really should have bought an 870.


impulse buys, eh? :D


i'll post in the CL thread now :rolleyes:

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