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KWA New Releases Now Available In Asia


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The new KWA releases such as the M4A1,M4 RIS and SR Series are now on sale in Asia. All the releases from KWA USA can now be found from Asian retailers such as WGC Shop where they were previously stocking the older models.


These releases are now available despite information stating that they may not have sold some of the new AEG's in Asia such as the SR series.


These new releases are just like the KWA USA models except they feature the Marine trademarks. However they do not have the 45 day warantee that comes with the US versions.


This news story should be great news for those people who live outside of the US who wish to get hold of the new KWA AEG's.







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Can we call a truce please? Some of us like armalites, we're lucky because we're spoilt for choice, and some people don't like armalites and think companies waste time making more of them.


Lots of people like Armalites, so lots of people will buy them, so companies will make them without spending any money on R&D, which is good for the company, because they can develop other things. Complaining that there's too many armalites will never change anything, and it always turns into an internet war.


Please, people - Can't we all just get along? I'm not rage filled or anything, but it just seems silly to keep having the same repetitive pointless arguement.

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Re: Armalites. I stayed away from them for my first 4 or 5 years airsofting because I thought they were over common but I moved to using armalites recently for one main reason - magazine pouches.


It is so much easier to find a variety of mag pouches for M4-a-likes. Especially if you want to mill sim and run around with 10 75rd mags. I love G36c's for their practicality and the ease of working on a V3 gear box but the mags are a pain in the butt to fit into pouches and the lugs get stuck etc.


I also think that the reason it is so easy to get M4 mag pouches, along with everything else M4, is because armalite RIFs are very popular the world over. Probably because many airsofters want to replicate load outs and gear from a current theatre of war.


The manufacturers know where they will make their money, hence why G&P are almost armalite specific, the first EBB was an armalite, the first gas in mag GBB was an armalite and the first PTWs were all armalites.


I am no 'armalite lover' but I now have one and like it and find it really practical to use, but I also like using my VSR, G36c etc. I guess it is not just 'them and us'.


Back on topic though, it is nice to see these new releases will be available outside the US.

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I used to go through AEG's like anyone's business when i was younger... G36's, AK's, P90's, the lot really... I always found myself going back to AR's though, simply because in my opinion they're the best looking and easiest to use guns going for me. I still like other guns, i just never find them as easy to get along with. I'll break out something unusual once in a while for a change, but when the zombies come, i'll want an M4.


The basic point is, however, whenever someone releases a new AR, there's always the 'Bah, pointless bitching about too many armalites that won't solve anything' kind of posts, and it's just pointless. If you don't like AR's, tough. Manufacturers will ALWAYS make a silly amount of AR variants, because they sell. Quit whining and accept reality, dagnabit :P


Even i agree there's far too many armalites, and i love them. BUT - They cost manufacturers next to nothing in R&D, they make a bunch of money out of them, and they can then invest that money in creating things like the FN5-7 or the Galil. Look at CA for example - Started out making nothing but AR's, and now they make all sorts of interesting blasters. G&P have since made probably the best EBR's available, and that's all down to the fact they've done well out of loads of armalites.


So, i propose this - When there's a news post about a new AR, let us armalite lovers jump for joy at the very slightly different bolt catch, or the slightly more matte handguards. Then, a month later, when te same company spits out an RX4 or something cool, remember that the money used to make such a gun was probably generated through selling armalites to us lot.


Besides, i don't see anyone ever complaining about the hundreds of AK variants ;)

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Is there any news on the KWA M4 GBBr's? Have found some clips on Youtube so I'm really excited...


I believe they're available around June/July but these are not the civilian versions. They'll be released later on.


Two models, the LM4 PTR and LM4 SR7, will initiate the launch with additional models as well as civilian versions coming later this year.


Edit: Added quote

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