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Air Luka

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No, seriously will this fit ICS guns?



Are you *really* asking that as a serious question?


Honestly, you got to be kidding me.



1. It's MADE BY ICS.


2. It's SHOWN on an ICS gun



What else needs to be answered there? Or am I the ONLY Person that caught that it was on an ICS, and the link to click on for it, was to ICS's OWN website. Seriously, maybe try reading instead of having people spoon feed you information.



Now you've done gone made me riled up.


To add, to answer the other part of the question, by simply clicking the link provide, I additionally found this:


Applicable for every brands M4/16.




According to real gun,disassemble handguard than lock on body.


No, it's not free floating. It's bearing locked onto it, like the real one.

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