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  • Arnie

    Forum updates, feedback system and new versions

    By Arnie

    Firstly I'm going to try to document forum updates and other work completed to the site here in my forum blog. This will keep all the forum related updates in one place.   I've completed several updates to the forums today. We're now running the latest IPS versions for Gallery and Blog. There should be several bug fixes and feature adjustments with these new versions; I don't get a list I'm afraid or I'd publish it.   I've also taken comments on the trading system on board and we now have a

P226 Anyone?

So after a good day down at Pinnacle, I actually had the will to do some client work tonight.   Of late I have had two lines of questions, either Guarder Springfield 1911s and Non-Railed P226s. First up was a Creation bodied Non-Rail p226. Originally it was going to be number 2 with a PGC body, but like always they were really out of stock. Thankfully TMC was good enough to sell me this Creation body at the same price as the PGC. This was my first experience with Creation and I must say i



Not that much going on...

Well, it's been an even longer time since I've last updated. Not really finding much that I really care to tell about anymore, but I though it was time to post something again.     Airsoft-wise, not much going on. I finally bought that PPK I've always wanted, and it's a lot of fun to shoot with propane. The blowback is much more fierce than I was expecting for such a little gun. It looks like it may come at a great cost though; the slide looks like it may be cracking in the very front w

Chris North

Chris North

Some for me, some for you

I also managed to do a quick tune up on my buddy Chance's guns. First up was a piston swap on a TM Sig P226 and a quick tune up of a Wilson Combat Professional. Both were fun, and work better than when I received them.     On top of that I managed to begin some new projects for myself:       5.1 and 4.3 are all works in process. Man I need to finish that 5.1 once and for all.



Sales and a few finished builds.

I have decided to cut down on my collection a little bit. Up for sale right now is my Tanaka Hi Power (add can be found here). Good gun, but I just never want to shoot it. Not enough excitement other than owning such a clean model. Custom gun with a one off tight bore.     I also finished the Limcat brothers for my clients. Both came together decently well, and I have finally figured out a few more tricks to make them cycle smoothly. It really took both of them for me to iron out



Long Time, No Rant.

Has been a long, long time since my last rant so here goes,   Since i am just about to become registered and my P90 is kicking out some good shots everything it fine.   So not much going on so bye then, i give up with finding something to rant about today.   'FireKnife'




Well, I guess I should use this time to introduce myself. My name is Shawn, although I go by Oakey on the boards I frequent. Haven't requested a name change for here, as it really doesn't bug me too much. Anyways, I'm from the US, Michigan to be exact, I've been in the sport of Airsoft for just over four years now. I've met a lot of people since I first started, and I have too much money into it to quit.   I own just one replica, a Tokyo Marui VSR 10 G Spec. She's my baby, and is undergoing m



Review is...COMPLETE!

Ah finally! The smell and aching of success...in a small world.   Yes after my drastic computer crash, camera memory stick failure, bad weather photography, busy schedule, what more can I ask to finish such a simple review?!   Well after around...say 1 whole week of time, I have finished this belated review of the TM AK74MN. It's complete with pictures, however there is no gearbox pictures...   Enjoy what I have though! TM AK74MN Review   It's a thorough review with details and no



TM AK74MN Review Coming soon!

This is Shinden reporting to tell you that I have the TM AK74MN and an extensive review is about to be here soon on Arnies!   Before you get excited, this review was supposed to be done by a couple days ago. What happened? Technology fails. Yes, my VAIO Sony that I entrusted my life just apparently reached its limit and I had to format the thing to get it working again. Thankfully I keep a hard copy of everything, however my pictures were deleted so now I'm just re-editing the pictures I pos



Limcat is 60% done.

Spent the day down at Pinnacle again. It was crappy out, but I managed to help sell 5 GBBs, so I was happy (and so where they). It is good to be down at a place, with good guys, who do actually care about their customers. Not AEX pushing stuff with the best margins, but really looking to satisfy people.   Now I have to go back to work at my real job, and while it is nice to be paid, man I don't want to go. Goodies are in the mail though, so I should complete my full metal Detonics tomorro



I'm Back (In Black?)

Sorry for not updating lately; I've been getting a lot of work done. Big relief now that most of it's done though.     Finally got a hold of a KWC CO2 rig. Let me tell you, this thing is just *fruitcage*ing awesome. So far, I've been able to attach it to a bunch of GBBs, but only a few work outstandingly well with it.   The Marui Glock 17 of course light strikes with it a lot, and since the stock plastic slide is already damaged I didn't try using it on that too much. Maruzen Skorp

Chris North

Chris North

Steel Glock done. Pinnacle is where it's at.

So I have been spending the past few days hanging out at Pinnacle Airsoft and as much as I have been having fun, it has killed my will to do any work for myself when I get home. My buddy Paul, the Tech down at Pinnacle used to tell me how he never worked on his guns when he got home, had parts just waiting to be fit pretty much at all times. I always thought he was crazy, but now I get it. As much fun as I am having, getting to talk airsoft all day long, it really saps my will to get any work



Client work, chillin' at Pinnacle.

Finished up client project number one. Figured out why a TM Desert Eagle wouldn't work (the nozzle was locked open). Turns out it had been dropped on the right rear side, mashing the safety lever and also breaking the inner frame.     Removed the broken part of the frame, the safety lever (internal) and then put her back together. Good as new. Shoots strongly (mid 330s bone stock on green gas with a cold mag). I completely forgot how strongly these things kick, I actually thought I



Back in town, now I have to get to work.

Got to take a few days off, booked out of town to spend some time with my Pops and his new house. It was nice not to be tied to the interweb or work for a few days, but man the PMs and orders just piled up. I was only gone for a few days, but I came home to like a million things to do. Thankfully I was able to button down everything I had already signed up to do before I left. Unfortunately I might have lagged on some communications that might have turned into customer work, oh well.   In



Lots of new photos, travel news and emo cr*p!

I must say I am impressed, heartened even, by flicking back here on the off-chance and seeing the lovely vote scores and page views have gone up even in my lengthy absence; you really are too kind.   Now, to the real business now I've kissed your arses a bit, if you want to see how things are going on, and read more of my twitterings, then again I am gonna plug my new blog at http://versive.blog.co.uk   This is nothing personal against the venerable Arnies, of course, I just need a site th



New client work, getting ready for the fun.

So I finalized three more client projects. Should be a good bit of business. One is just light tuning and a trigger job for a friend from Pinnacle. The Race Gun trainer is all ordered, now I am just waiting for everything to show up so I can get started. Shipping from Asia has been slow as molasses lately. I have four or five orders still in the about to be shipped phase. Not good, but at least I have secured all the parts I need.   I also got clued in to the fact that Shooters Design h



Shiping's going to be how much!?

I was recently looking at getting an ACM Marushin M500 clone, since they look pretty good and most owners speak fondly of them. I really want to get that PPK first, but I was just looking at the M500 as maybe a future purchase. I was looking at several places, all of which were more expensive than I had originally thought they would be. I thought about buying from a retailer in the states, which was still pretty expensive. The 8mm BBs that I'll have to buy in addition to the gun are what are pro

Chris North

Chris North

The return of the Glock, twice.

So many moons ago I sold my last Glock and swore off of them forever. Well I swore off Tokyo Marui Glock 17s, but ended up selling all of my Glocks in the end. While I still prefer the 1911, and if I need something more "current" I can go for the Sig (well not the SP2009, lump o trash), but I thought (truthfully) that I needed to show that I do have experience building Glocks since I was only being asked to build 1911s. Now I rather build a 1911, but I didn't want to just be losing out on pos



Chairsoft Custom Works open for business?

So I got down to my buddies shop Pinnacle Airsoft today and it was movin. They managed to sell a few aegs and a P226, which is a pretty good sale for one day. I hope this keeps up since they have asked me to help them with their custom GBB builds. I guess I will be doing to the full builds and possibly some staged power builds like the Q-Project used to do. Could be interesting, and man was it nice to actually get to hang out with some people and talk airsoft. Forums do mean a lot to me, bu



Pinnacle Airsoft opens for business.

My friend's shop has finally opened it's doors. So happy for him, heres to a new customer driven Airsoft Store with solid tech advice and help.   Pinnacle Airsoft has finally opened for retail. We offer high end AEG's & GBB's at competitive prices. Our work and repair includes a 6 month warranty from date of service. At this time our website is still under-construction.   We are located at:   1207 Arroyo Way, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. (Conviently 4 blocks from the bart station)



SP2009, Glock 17 Straight Frame and a review.

People seem to always ask if upgrading a GBB is really worth the time and money. To me the answer is easy, but since so few people just getting into GBBs have had the opportunity to fire a well built gun, I thought I would throw up a review to give them a glimpse at what is possible. You can check it out [http://airsoft-barracks.com/forums/index.php?topic=1597.0]here[/url]. Not to show off, but just to show that it will be a different gun when you upgrade, and that some of the results are rea



Happy New Year

Welcome to 2008, I do wonder what the New Year holds for the wonderful world of gas powered airsoft replicas. I have chosen my first project of the new year, and it is going to be a Glock 26, semi auto. Right now I am planning on building a TM Glock 26 and installing a Guarder steel slide set, but we shall see how it turns out. If I can't find the slide set, then I will be building a semi-auto G26C from KSC. We shall see how it turns out in the end.   I also bought a SIIS Desert Eagle 10"



New Year!

Just like the months earlier, but with a different number at the last part of the date. So why do people make resolutions? Makes no sense to me. Most people I know give up on their resolutions before April. I mean, why not just work on whatever you want to any part of the year? Kind of what I do, although to be honest I don't really improve myself on purpose that often...     Anyhow, bit of good news and a bit of bad news pertaining to me. Bad news first; I didn't get anywhere near as

Chris North

Chris North

G26C Review finished. Part 1 of History.

Finished my KWA G26C review, check it out here.   I also got my WE Compact firing again. In the process I managed to break my back up stock TM nozzle, ###### about that one. You can check out all the WE goings on here. Big thanks to The Saint for joining ASB and helping out with my WE project.   I also updated my WE Tactical Review, here, with my 500 round update. Gun is still shooting strong and everything seems to be working well. No worries and I am itching to get to work on it. I



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