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About Pave_Hawk

  • Rank
    Adv Member

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    Hong Kong

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  1. Star FNC Shorty with a few bells and whistles (ugly but, like the A-10, well hung).
  2. WA Wilson Super Grade (soz about the poor lighting).
  3. G2 LED with G&P tailcap (gives you perm. light on and strobe function).
  4. Phantom chest-rig (HKD$500-700) - solid and plenty of room for mags and accessories, but could really use an extra strap at the back (halfway between the strap at the nape of the neck and the waist one). So, in other words, it's a bit loose on my frame.
  5. I'm pretty sure the only way you can mate a Star FNC with a 203, is via RIS/RAS (i.e. the RAS kit Star sells for the FNC).
  6. A lot more rewarding, but I can get the Super Grade for 123 sterling and mod from there (new grip, slide etc.). Thanks for the info.
  7. Nice job! So how much mullah did that set you back? I've been on the hunt for a Ludlow custom M1911A1 for a while, and the best stock lookalike I've come up with, is WA's Wilson Super Grade:- http://www.wgcshop.com/WGC_Shop/images/wa_ps_wlci.jpg Are there any better stock matches that you know of?
  8. Hey Pave_Hawk, i have a slight feeling that you may have played with us before, that or i may have played with you.

    anyhow, my number is 9199-7994, so if you have any questions or need some airsoft related help... gimme a call or something!

    have a good one!

  9. If you don't mind me asking, what's the flashlight on that HK416? Getting an HK416 soon, but not too sure what brand/type of flashlight to get.
  10. Not familiar with the battery types for M4s, so could someone tell me the types and power of batteries that can fit into the HK416?
  11. What type and size batteries are able to fit into the stock?
  12. For what it's worth, I got my KSC USP back in February, took it to a scrim a couple of days later and, in between games, did some target shooting with a coke-can. Needless to say I surprised myself by hitting the can (a good 10+ metres away) with my first shot. Saying that, I haven't done a chrono on my USP yet.
  13. Doesn't that USP look beautiful?
  14. Doesn't that USP look beautiful?
  15. Shoot and scoot. I still come across a fair few airsoft players who don't move around enough...instead they give the opposition the time and oppurtunity to figure out where they're shooting from; outflank them and knock them out of the fight. When looking around corners, don't just stick your head out into open space. Step back and lean slightly round the corner.
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