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About jal3

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  1. I really dig the filter combination on these.
  2. @Gunmane This is where you bring the leaf suit...jesus the amount of leaves there...!
  3. I never got around to visiting Scotland. Shoot me a date and i'm up for that.
  4. When #arniesairsoft meant quakenet not instagram...then it died...then facebook killed phpbb... 🍻
  5. jal3

    CZ Picture Thread

    G&P I5, G&G M4, Ares Amoeba M4, CA Scarab, ASCU aftermarket part (this is in the EVO as well)...Titan? PTW? In all good spirits, it must be appropriate to ask if you've lived under a rock...
  6. If it wrecks soft BB's, it'll make hard BB's inaccurate as well. Almost all BB's have a finely tuned (or in some cases, not fine) wax surface on them that's part of how the BB performs.
  7. All we need now is a HPA setup for the SGR-12.
  8. @Typewrite: This is why the SGR-12 is worth the extra money!
  9. I won't say it don't fit, but the endplate is formed with round edges that match a nimh mini pack. Won't know until you try.
  10. www.transferwise.com for international transfers. Total shill here. They give the best exchange rates and lowest fee. Significantly cheaper than banks and paypal. Eg. i just transferred £290 to DKK for a £2 fee at exchange rate 8.43987. XE changerate is 8.43922, so basicly the same. It's a total cost of 0.8%. Paypal would end up charging probably 8-10% (3.4% base fee + bad exchange rate cost). Transferwise usually has the money transferred within 24h, if not the same day.
  11. At what point should you just get a rifle instead...
  12. www.peecee.dk allows direct links. But it's a bit old school now.
  13. jal3

    CZ Picture Thread

    "configurable burst mode - from 1 up to 255 BBs shot on one quick trigger pull, this setting works in all modes containing burst" Just what i needed, 255rnd burst setting.
  14. Testing out a danish made 3D jacket Hood up during gameplay.
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