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About 1st_shooter

  • Rank
    annoying twod
  • Birthday 11/30/1980

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  • Airsofter since
  • Most likely to say
    take it!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. 1st_shooter

    DSC 9375

    Ha brilliant top effort!
  2. Flyye PC so far: Quite a light rig I might add 1 more mag pouch and comms still need to be sorted
  3. What do you think of my MC/M84 combo?
  4. You mean this isnt real?! Nice work
  5. Heres my G&P M4 - Cheap Bronze paint from Homebase - Applied lightly and rubbed off
  6. Mmmm ACR goodness Painted the M4 for a used look;
  7. I personaly prefer the original front sites on a CQB just seems to work better for me I do believe this belongs here Just installed the new RIS. Its prepeared for painting just got to get around to that. Going to go for dusty worn look
  8. I haven’t found any which Is why I modified it. Probably a custom made Kydex holster would work seen as these are moulded around the gun? I would buy a set of standard sites if I had the cash see as the only ones I can find around about $80 - night sights. If anyone has some bog standard ones spare please give me a nudge!! http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/gunsmodify-tritium-night-sight-for-ksc-usp-45-compact-gbb.html
  9. Yes, Yes. And to confirm its a Blackhawk CQC
  10. This slide wont stay pretty and perfect for long so I'm sure they can be worn/painted away fairly soon and will then look nice and abused. Shoots really hard on Ultra so Im sure this will be even nicer on Green/Red. I have filed down the front sight so it fits into my Fobus but plan on buying new night sights for it when funds allow.
  11. Just got my USP Tactical yesterday. Again I hate those stupid trades. 6mm cal WTF why am I paying for this!
  12. I have just seen on WGC the pre order for the A3 version but these comments have put me off completely My escort MP5 was amazing I would Like to go back to that without having a tank on my back please
  13. Havent posted these before. Tanaka Candian Inglis version Twins, RS 20rnd mags not airsoft!
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