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About Noodle_2000

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 05/06/1991

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    2002 (Springers!)
  • Toy collection
    First Gun - Tokyo Marui SR-16
  • Most likely to say
    I love Airsoft!
  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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Profile Information

  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    First Interest ~ Airsoft<br /><br />Second Interest ~ Food <br /><br />Third Interest ~ Girls<br /><br />Favorite Quote : A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men. ~ Plato
  1. Thats the only stuff that they have at my local store.
  2. Here's my M933 painted with that new Krylon Fusion. OD & Tan with actual in game wear.
  3. Nice review, very descriptive. For anyone that's interested in buying it. http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airs...il?prodID=23628 ^Save some money while you can.
  4. Nice review. I wasn't able to find anywhere else in the US that sells these particular parts. But Airsoft 1 does sell the Silent head.. but surprisingly nothing else. http://www.airsoft1.com/Element-Silent-Pis...d-p/in-0808.htm
  5. Man, I see a lot of M4 variants out there. Gotta spoil myself one day and go.
  6. Nice review, very in depth as usual. Good Job.
  7. But on a more serious note, can't wait for the results on the review.
  8. Nice review man, NVM just read your post on Trader
  9. Nice gearset. The cylinder set you can get at Airsoft GI. Just re-branded by Echo 1. Good job Fareast
  10. Nice review, it was something new. I liked it. Gary B.
  11. Great Review Darklite! You made me chuckle every now and then with the jokes and all. Good job on the review it was very in depth. As a suggestion for a future review from me would be the ELEMENT Upgrades. There seems to be a lot of interest in them but so little info. Thanks, Gary B.
  12. Eh.. 2500 with one drum and two you can squeeze 5000. But I cut down one drum to save ammo also. Gary B.
  13. Well folks I said that I'd get a new pic of my MP5, so here goes. The gun itself has gone through some. Instead of having both drums as reservoirs I only made the right side functional. The left one houses a 9.6v 1900mah battery. It also evens out the weight a lot. In the front I put an extra rail to mount a PEQ box just incase you want 2 drums. I also painted most of the gun Flat Black to get rid of the shininess. I've also worked on the internals here and there. Great CQB gun. But she's for sale now Enjoy. Gary B.
  14. Thanks for another great review Fareast. Gary B.
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